🇦🇺The English Union🇦🇺

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Soon enough, it was already time for the first group's party. My maids put me in a silken, indigo ball gown with silver jewelry. My hair was in a perfect bun with a beautiful silver hairpiece, and even my heels under my dress were silver. By then, I was able to wear just about any shoe.

I arrived at the party and found a distressed Mara. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"The gifts still aren't here!" She cried. "And the English Union will be here any moment now." 

"Uh-oh." I thought out loud. "Look, why don't you go down to the jeweler and get them, and I'll do anything they would need you to do."

"Really? You're the best, Aria!" She gave me a quick but tight hug then dashed off to the jewl room. 

Luckily, Mara got back just in time for the English Union to arrive. The girls who weren't in charge of hosting hung back. "This looks wonderful," Selena told me, looking at the royal blue and silver decoration. 

"It most certainly does," I added, brushing my fingers on a soft, white rose. "I wonder what will be going on." I wondered.

"By the looks of it, a meal." Selena said. "And also dancing." She excitedly murmured. I wondered how she felt by being departed from dancing. At the palace, I was more into fashion design than back in Midston. 

There were tables with pretty tablecloths, dishes, and vases scattered around the back of the room. I was sitting with Blake, Amelia, Princess Emily, Prince Roger, and an aristocrat named Duchess Emma Jones. 

I sat in my seat and briefly went over the cluster of dishes, goblets, and silverware in front of me. Luckily, Lexia taught us all about what forks and things to use, which I had caught onto quickly.

"Hello, there!" I heard an unframiliar voice. I turned to see Princess Emily. She had dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and a big smile. She wore a georgous crown and matching dress with puffy sleeves. 

I dropped into a graceful curtsy, something that I quite improved on while at the palace. "Your Highness," I addressed her.

"What's your name?" She asked, sitting down next to me at the table. She had a big English accent, which was very different from my southern, Illean one.

"I'm Aria." I said. "And you are Princess Emily?"

She nodded. "Well Aria, I must say that your dress is such a beauty! It looks great with your tan."

"Thank you!" I smiled. Emily reminded me of Brielle in a way. They were both so happy, bubbly, and friendly. 

A little boy tugged at Emily's dress. He was sharply dressed in a suit and looked around six. "Sissy, I'm hungry." He complained. 

Emily giggled and I joined in. "Rodger, we'll be eating soon, come sit down and meet Miss Aria." She gestured to me.

"Who are you?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion. 

"Like your sister said, I'm Aria. I'm in the Selection, or more accurately the Elite."

"What's that?" Rodger asked.

"Well, thirty five girls, one from each province are randomly drawn to come to the palace to compete for Prince Daniel. He eliminates us when he thinks that we won't be a good match, until it all comes down to one girl. That very lucky girl will marry the prince and become a princess, and one day the queen." I explained.

"Wow!" Rodger exclaimed. "That's cool."

I admired Rodger's free-spirited personality. It might be only because of his age, but all the wise, I enjoyed it. 

Dinner was better than usual. There were six courses and it took roughly two and a half hours. After that, a quartet began to play music. The palace had gotten some off-duty guards to be spare dance partners for the Elite. I could then see Selena's talent. She was majestic and gracefully, expertly moving and spinning around. 

I conversated with Emily and found another unusual friend. Maybe I had a knack for charming princesses. Then I thought of Quinn, and the thought vanished.

Prince Daniel had danced with all the nine girls before he got to me. "I thought I'd never get a dance," I said. 

Daniel chuckled. "I was saving the best for last," He nonchalantly explained. My dancing had improved, so we were able to add a spin and drop here and there. 

"Great." I smiled at him, and he flashed his radiant smile back. "So, I made a friend."


"Princess Emily."

"That's a good one, she's the heir. It could be substantial when you're the queen."

The affirmation made me so happy. I grinned. "I didn't know that she was the heir." I said. 

"Well now you do." Daniel guided me across the room, spinning me around as my dress twirled around me. 

Author's note:

Before you start commenting, "ThE eMojI yOU uSeD iSNt thE EngLIsH FlAG" I know that. I couldn't find it. Deal with it. I thought this scene was pretty cute and fun! Also, I have another story idea that I'll start once I'm done with this one, so make sure to stay tuned!

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