body on body, yours is mine but mine isn't

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AUGUST 14 2018
4:50 AM

her lips still felt the same ーkwon melted at the kiss, loving the way her lips moved leisurely yet sweetly against his; their lips became swollen as the seldom-ending kiss continued. his hands slowly drifting to the back of her neck, running his fingers along the loops and naps of hair that hung at the exposed area; knowing it would run goosebumps on her skin. Soft moans mixed with low locking of tongue filled the space between their bodies but that only made the greed in lime grow. her pace fastened, almost losing kwon on the way, her hands greedily roamed up and down his chest; flicking his hard nipples that poked at his shirt. He hissed in somewhat surprised matter, almost forgetting how good the somewhat familiar attention felt at his chest. Grabbing her wrists in a gentle hold, knowing if she got the upper hand he would stink back into her.

their tongues fight for dominance, not giving in at any second to break the pressure between them, his eyes watching as her face twists and melts away into the loving exchange. Their breathing overpowered the soft inaudible song of Smino that flowered the room. He couldn't deny that he soon loved the control; knowing his directing had such an effect on her.

a tremble sents up his back from the coldness that wraps his still saliva-covered dick, needing some type of warmth. He felt the neediness of being cared for creep upon him; wanting to bag for her to embrace every inch of him but he knew he couldn't let her easily inhale him. Kwon broke the kiss, directing his lips down her neck; sucking and biting, desperate to leave a piece of him, desperate to get even some part of her. Releasing lime's wrists from his hands before finding their way to her breast, fiddling with the lace fabric that sat above her hardened nipples, twisting, flicking and pulling at the delicate area.

"Stop with all this play and fuck me already" lime whispered. her head tilting back, allowing the arousal to seep throughout her. Her fingers played at his curls, grabbing fists fills at a time; giving them a slight tug backwards, here and then. She wasn't the type to often let others take her body but Kwon knew her. she noticed how he studied her, the movements she made, the sounds of approval or pleasure she would speak out, the way her body folded and opened for him. He knew it all and she knew he could design more her.

"say it again" kwon whispered into her skin; his hands exposing her breast to him, his mouth happily inhaling it in a swift second. He lapped his tongue in circles back and forth from each nipple, making sure he was attentive to both. Lime forced her nails into her palms, trying to hold whatever composure she had left from begging him again. These mind games he loved to play drove her insane, she hated to display weakness, she hated that he loved her weakness, and almost got a high from it.

"Fuck me already"  lime mumbled out. A smile crept onto his lips, releasing his mouth from her chest, grabbing her thighs before lifting her and carrying her to the love seat that sat in the reading nook of her apartment. Their eyes stayed locked, immersed in the different shades of mahogany that held in both their irises. Pools of their denial and want circled them, their lips inches away but neither gave in.  Kwon laid lime onto the loveseat as his hands ran down her soft sides until he reached her panties, pulling them down in swift motion and onto the ground. he lowered himself to her wanting and calling pussy, examining the small heart-shaped patch of pubic hair that rested on it.

kwon spread her lips apart, staring down at the pulsing walls; that dripped off her wetness; leaving small spots of water stains on the loveseat below her. Her clit rang in agony while her hips lifted and whined mid-air, hating yet desiring how exposed she felt.

"She's so pretty" kwon purred, running the tips of his fingers along her clit; feeling the throbbing of vibration at his tips. a smile crept at his lips as he repeated this slow movement up and down her wanting clit. Lime moved her hips in time with his fingers, feeling the buildup in her core thumb. hums of approval and deep exhales filled the room.

" a little faster " she grasps, tossing her head back as she feels herself come close to release. Kwon let out a soft
knowing laugh, denying her what she wanted. He wanted to saviour every moment he got to see her,  every piece of her giving body, every heavy breath that passed him. the body heat that sizzled when they connected and the feeling of her fingers lacing with his, right before their final release almost as if they were veins intertwining into one.

"I'm thinking a little slower" he breathed, lowering his fingers from clit and inserting them into her dripping pussy as his mouth latch onto her clit. The sudden pressure applied to lime's wanting clit, sent shock waves up her legs, her eyes holding shut while her teeth dug deeply into her bottom lip, muting any sound of submission from escaping her lips. her legs fighting for any reason to stay open while her hands pushed the hungry male's mouth closer to her clit. His tongue circled and toyed with the erect clit before sucking at the small bean while his fingers slowly yet roughly pumped in and out of her. Lime's legs began to shake, almost uncontrollably from the pleasure he gave her, small expressions of release escaped through her. her moans became unwilling and loud as he continued to pleasure her throughout her orgasms. Her toes curled as she felt him reach the deeper part of her while adding a second finger, curling into the spot she loved deeply.

"Fuck slow down- oh god" lime gasped as she came undone for the fourth time within minutes of him pleasing her. Her insides thumped as he pulled his mouth and fingers from her dripping pussy, sticking his cum covered fingers into his mouth to lap off the juices he proudly made. Kwon stared down at the overly stimulated lime in satisfaction, admiring the results of his work before taking the same fingers and swiping at her clit. She jolted at his fingers, not expecting him to continue to tease her at the given moment.

"I love watching you feel good," kwon said, increasing the speed of his movements taking his free hand and lightly applying pressure to her neck, forcing her eyes to stay locked on his. "Look at me when I make you feel good"

Kwon didn't stop his pace from getting faster, enjoying all the expressions that came with it, her lips hung open as her legs tense up in the temptation to stay open. Her breath became more uneasy as her orgasm became more and more difficult to hold back.

"Smile for me as you cum" kwon demanded before shoving his fingers back into her aching entrance, pumping into her quickly and greedily; needing her to cum for him, needing her to know where her pleasure came from.

"Cheese" lime dragged out as she moaned, her lips sitting in a wide smile, exposing her pearls as her juices sprayed across his fingers. Kwon pulls his fingers from her hole and slips them into her mouth.

"Taste your happiness,"  kwon said, watching her suck off all her juices, his dick twisting at the heat they felt. Removing his hands away from her body, allowing her a second to recover from the attacks of pleasure she experienced. Kwon stood up readjusting himself before standing and walking towards the door. Lust still rang throughout his mind and his body yet that didn't stop his decision. Grabbing whatever belongs he had brought with him before leaving a confused and frustrated lime.

"Where are you-" lime tried calling out but was cut off shortly with the door slamming shut. She sat in her confusion of gratification almost in disbelief he had left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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