wrapped thin rolling paper, burn me out

97 6 0

DECEMBER 14, 2017.
5:57 AM

kwon's lips danced along the center of her back, inhaling her sweet aroma, now being a full addict to it.  his hands squeezed countlessly at her thick thighs, his thumbs meeting the stretch marks that were born at her hips. gasps and hums of approval slipped her lips while a smile toyed at them as well. kwon explored her body as if she was a map, searching for all her pleasure points before laying his mark against them.

sweat rained on their bodies from the countless time they had done it within the hours and yet they still felt unsatisfied, kwon roughly lifted her hips upwards causing a squeal of a surprise to fill the room, her face pressed against the floor as her hands were tied above her head, stopping her from taking control of anything he would do. coldness yet heat roamed around his thighs; goose bumps played at his bare body. kwon licked his lower lips, tasting the saltiness that lay on them before slowly entering lime's pussy.

a light groan slipped his lips as he withdraws before thrusting back into her, his thrusts were slow and tender mostly from the tiredness of his physical, their sounds of pleasure mixed so well together, almost like a singer singing poetry. lime let out a laugh of bliss as kwon pounded sloppily into her, feeling warmness steal his whole being, his inside felt like they were was a flaming pile of lava, ready to explode within seconds.

"oh yes just a little more," lime gasped as her breath begin to shorten, tossing her locks to the side of her head, letting the spots of discoloration that painted along her neck, be seen by him. A smirk curled onto his lips before pressing a light kiss along that spots, speeding his slow thrusts. 

both their inside felt like their one as they both felt the peak of their high, her toes curled, his fingers intertwined with hers as their final moan mixed together like caramel melting into a younger's mouth. this release felt like the slap of freshwater caressing a burning flame, this release felt like the moon and the sun kissing for the last time, this release felt like they were in another dimension of space.

kwon slicked back his hair, fixing his appearance before wiping his forehead, trying to cancel out the sweat from pouring down his exhausted face. kwon untied the female's wrist, tossing the saint scarf to the side as they both roll onto their back and stared at the art-filled ceiling. kwon grabbed at his jacket as the sound of her breath evening filled his ears. He placed the untouched cigarette between his lips once more, the familiar taste of the thin paper roamed his lips, and his hands wandered around his coat before the thought clicked to him. ah i forgot

"you got a light-"

a flicker of light hovered under the stick, and the quiet burning of the tobacco and nicotine filled both their ears, Kwon dragged deeply into the stick before placing it between his fingers.

his eyes were glued onto her calming frame, her hands ran through the numberless amount of locs, slicking it back to feel somewhat cool. he exhaled deeply, placing his thumb under her chin, forcing her attention to him. he took in the state she was in, sweat glistening her every being, an exhausted smile danced on her lips, her nipples sat perkily at attention, dark at the tip making kwon want to kiss them once more. her lower half was tangled with the white robe she once wore, hours ago. cute ーkwon exhaled from his nostrils with a light sigh before placing his lips onto hers for a longing last quick kiss.

"yeah, whatever happens, this is between friends."

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