killer lady, look my way

75 4 0

JANUARY 1st, 2018.
7:15 PM

lime sat at the back of the bar, her legs resting on the wooden circle table, the loudness of the group's laughter filling the bare bar they choose that night. The mood was light yet heavy, not from the toxic drinks being thrown around nor the conversation of past lovers nor the embarrassing drunken nights yet from the burning stares of others.

Lime listened as the others told jokes and ordered many other famous and unknown types of alcohol. she placed the ram of the glass to her lips, letting the lurking smell of vodka intensify her nostrils slightly before swinging it down her throat. She felt herself slip into a state of tipsiness; enjoying the rush of heat that expressed throughout her body. knowing her thoughts no longer belong to her, knowing her true desire will show within seconds; despite the leading consequences. She knew secretly, that she loved that she could fall into that chaotic trap; feeling that she could blame the dangerous liquor.

"hey kwon, if you ever lost on an island who would you take with you?" jiho asked. laughing out the last words as he took a large sip of his drink, eyeing the younger; watching his face turn slightly flush. lime ran her fingers through her locs as she shut her eyes for a split second. letting the dizziness of her drunk mindset swim around her weary sober thoughts. which was trying to replace them with lies and words of secrecy, feeling herself become anxious; she forced her attention to the others.

lime let her feet drop back to the floor, trying to make herself centred on the earth. she lifted her eyelids, trying to force them to focus for the time being. two more minutes then I'll make something up so i can leave

"you know I'll take my baby boy Jiho," kwon joked. placing his arm around his friend's waist, pulling him close as he gave him a light kiss on his cheek. the redness of jiho's cheeks increased from the embarrassing display of affection. both let out a laugh, enjoying themselves in the company of many others. lime watched the males in awe as she rubbed her fingers along the side of her nose, trying to block the mess that is her mind.

"Are you alright ?" lime wandered her eyes across the table, seeing it was one of the ladies jiho had invited. her words showed worry yet her eyes showed something different. Disgusted almost.limes let out a laugh of pure pity towards the women around her.

right....ーlime exhaled deeply before turning her attention back to the ground; collecting her thoughts before letting her words ruins the event.

"yo jiho I'm not feeling so bright, could you take me home?" jiho's face melted into worry as he placed his hand on the small of her back. rubbing a small circle into her skin while setting his half-finished drink on the table.

"Of course, let's go." jiho eyed the group in a somewhat apologetic manner, almost sad to end an enjoyable evening. he grabbed kwon into a light hug of farewell before placing a couple of bills on the table and grabbing the coat that sat behind him. jiho said a quick goodbye to the group before picking up the drunk girl.

kwon cocked his brows at the two before shaking the thoughts he had created. knocking down a shot, his throat felt like it was burning in memory as if her whispers were burning his words to a crisp finish. kwon draws in a deep breath while placing the glass back down. kwon watched the two wander off to the front door, their steps seemed to become faster each time. his mind was fading to jealousy yet the image of them leaving was so clear as if they were rays of the sun blinding him in the morning. ha, i wonder what kinda friends they are

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