body on body, yours is mine pt 1

19 1 0

AUGUST 14TH 2018
4:45 AM

"hold on, i'm coming" lime sang out, heading to the large, dark mahogany door, a smile played at her lips, knowing who could possibly be behind there. Her fingers danced along the doorknob, loving the build of making the ones that desire her most wait. she got off on the power of it, the begging, the lies of sex and most definitely the chase that lust drives her to.

Oh he came with the sweat pants, he came correct swinging the door open, pleased to see it was kwon. He looked different, almost like someone replace him. Tattoos ran up his neck and arms, his hair sat messily below his ears, almost in a mullet style. yet his eyes still stood the same, dark and filled with her desire, her need, her passion, her want. She wanted him. She step aside, gesturing for him to come in "it's been awhile, come on in" 

"yeah, it's really good to see you" he told her, stepping into her space yet again. rushes of intimacy clouded his memory, swallowing hard, hoping the memories would disappear with it. Kwon eyed the place, seeking for any change or movement of items, his senses almost watering from getting the high of her scent again, savouring the fix she gave him. he didn't want to sober up, he wanted this euphoric state to linger over him like the clouds do towers, in endless loop. i missed her so much it hurts even being near her

"Imma go freshen up, you know where everything is"

Kwon slowly walked to the couch, his mouth drained dry from its its usual moisture while his heart played at his ears, becoming deaf to the light song that rang among the walls of the room. His eyes locked to her frame, his thoughts repeating the countless time he had wanted her body; where his thumbs would roll over the soft wrinkles that attended at the ring of her nipples, pulling and twisting them until they stood at attention. licking, sucking and biting at the pillows of her inner thighs before slowly and eagerly praising her clit for countless hours. to feel her warm back against his chest as he draw deep into her, pounding her into rest.  missing the whispers of her filthy words at his neck, their moans platforming musicals for the neighbours.

Fuck feeling his dick already twitching underneath his sweatpants, almost hopping out his waistband in eagerness. He could feel the pre-cum leak at his thighs, making nothing easier on his part. Yet his eyes still focused on her; watching as she walked up to him with slight consider, seeing that kwon face had turn a light red. she examined any possible pain that could've affected him, her eyes soon landing at  his waistband, a smile creeping on lips as she examine the overly excited kwon in front her. She watch as it swayed from his right to left thigh in agony, her eyes soon hovered with dark lust, wanting to feeling and see the release of such pain

" a little too excited to see me, hm?" She questioned, stalking right up him, reaching her hands onto his thighs, giving them a slight squeeze causing his dick to jump at the slight touch of her. her hands running up to his waistband before dragging his sweats down in a swift move, leaving him expose to her liking. Her tongue lapping her lips, slowly lower herself to the floor, eyes never leaving the twitching mess of his dick. she felt a sense hunger emerging from her core, she became hungry from the erotic scene in front her, grabbing his dick in her right hand. She could the feel micro- movement, feeling the rushing passion run laps through his body, the pre-cum leaking profusely down his shaft.

"don't want that to go to waste." Lime hummed before running her tongue long the relatively white liquid, she enjoyed the performance that came from pleasure. the expression, the understanding of what your body begs for, the surrendering of bodies collapsing into each other. She loved it all, almost obsessive.

kwon felt shivers peak through this body, allowing his eyes to lower; enjoying her eager show of lapping his liquids up. Her tongue slowly brought its focus to his tip, letting it perform small circles within the four skin; pulling it away from it base with her pearly whites before letting it snap back to its owner.

" gentle!" Kwon yelped within his breathy moan, causing lime to let out a laugh, deep and with husk, almost like it was filling the hallows of a dying tree. she wrapped her lips around the tip of his beating dick, letting the water from her mouth surround the sensitive nerve endings that was birth there. Kwon let out an adoring sigh, finally escaping into the pleasure he missed. He felt as the hallows of her cheeks began to squeeze and suck him. She started off as she always did, painfully slow, taking another inch into her wet soft mouth with each bop, but never forgetting to give the tip the most love. Kwon knitted his brows, his lips slightly parted in a begging pout, whimpering small moans into the bit of his lips; not wanting to let lime feel ownership over how good he felt. feeling his release build into his lower core, almost instantly wanting to cum into her mouth. engulfing himself with the sounds of her mouth popping and  slurring every part of him up.

shes too good at thisー kwon grabbed a fist full of her mane, pulling her lips away from his now violently twitching hopeless, dick. his breath staying uneven as he tried to calm his release from escaping him. His eyes taking in the state she sat, her lips turned into a blister of saliva and puffiness, his pre-cum reserved at the corners of her mouth, almost claiming those spots his. Her eyes didn't move from the hunger of lust that casted over them, it almost seems like she became hungrier, needing to fulfil herself. kwon found her to be so mesmerizing in this state, only feeding the build up in his core, feeling the agony beating in bursts at his sex. placing his index finger under her chin, lifting her head up to met his eyes, his face closing the space between them. his lips hover her sensitive ones, his hot breath whispering air of stories to her lips, he knew she longed for a kiss of praise, for their breaths to be lost in each other, for their tongues to lock and loose any knowledge of language they knew.

"kiss me, please" lime begged, almost like she begging for mercy of a god, begging to be seen by the world. Kwon brushed his lips against her, feeling Lightning bolts strike at his chest as he did so. he missed the feeling of her lips, almost forgetting what felt like on his. pressing slowly on them, initiating the passionate longing kiss they both yarned for.

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