don't bother calling, ill call you

64 4 1

FEBRUARY 14, 2018.
10:30 PM

kwon slipped a quarter into the coin slot of the payphone, a blunt between his lips while he laid the phone between his shoulder and ear. he patted his hands along his side, trying to find his lighter. kwon listened to the dial tone, his thumb lighting the small skull of a lighter, letting the end of the blunt, burn the greenery inside. kwon dragged into the blunt, his empty lungs filled with flumes as his thoughts were racing in a repetitive pattern of tiredness, his eyes glued to her.

across the street, there was a window at a bar and there she was. she sat right beside a stranger, bodies intertwined so well together that it seemed like the sun wrapping around a goddess's skin. she was laughing yet it was different, she seemed like she was laughing for herself and not for the emptiness of a joke. the wrinkles in her eyes were showing but they seemed brighter than the first time he saw them. her touch seemed different, her eyes seemed different, and everything around her seemed different and that made kwon nervous.

kwon toyed with his rings, huffing out the flumes from his nostrils as he dragged back into the blunt. the ringing bounced around his head, time seemed to be slipping causing him to become more anxious with his wording, almost as if he forgot what the meaning of this phone call meant to him.

kwon stared as lime took out her phone, frowning her brows before shoving it back into her jacket almost like the call never went through in the first place, and the sight made kwon feel soulless. the person you are reaching isn't available to reach your call, please leave a message or call again

beep, please record your message

"hey." kwon laughed puffing the flumes from his mouth while tapping at the center of the blunt, letting the ashes fall onto his boots; As if it was burning itself into them. kwon let himself lean onto the small stand as the noise of the streets filled his ears.

"hey..... it's kwon, I just wanted to call you. I miss you; it's draining not having you near me. you kinda do this thing where you give a sense of energy that boost me." kwon took a pause, hating the feeling of being exposed and overexcited to display such vulnerability. "and it's hard to not hear from you and i um..."

kwon dragged into the blunted, letting his eyes shut for a moment, trying to stop his thought from pilling onto each other like snow. exhaling deeply as he forced them back open to see she had gone from the spot she was last seen. kwon pressed the end of the half-finished blunt to the side of the payphone, cutting the flame.

"i know you aren't going to listen to your messages until the end of the week but could you call me when you get this." and with that kwon let the phone hang in the wind.

Please press one to send the message....... please press one to send the message.......

message deleted

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