Books tell stories, why cant they keep them

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DECEMBER 14, 2017.
4:30 AM

"you know where everything is."

kwon eyed the place, noticing little changes in the area; seeing that it was less disorganized than the last time he had visited lime. the place smelled like her, sweet yet dangerously toxic. kwon kicked off his boots, placing them at the door while tossing off his jacket to the side, The room felt intense yet the warmth of home coated it. he didn't know how to act, he knew he required a distraction.  In a quick decision, he jetted into the four walls of books.

books from the 1800s to the trendy ones, teens die to collect. books from poetry to documentaries, books from romance to horror and the list seemed never-ending. kwon eyed the titles, letting the names roll around his mind as his index finger brushed against the old and ripped-up cardboard; outlining the inpainted author's names. kwon wasn't looking for anything in particular, to be honest, he was more interested in the feeling of the books than the actual words within them, he found the touch was more powerful than the knowing.

"don't touch too hard or they'll eat you alive." lime laughed out, stalking towards the male, placing her hands on his chest. her breath ghosting over his neck causing the hairs that once slept along it, to stand at attention. kwon let out a throaty chuckle, tossing his head to the side as his fingers rubbed the stubble along his chin in a nervous fashion.

kwon felt her fingertips rub along his exposed collarbone, almost like a feather was haunting his skin. he swallowed, he knew if he said something she would be five steps ahead of him, making up excuses from left to right. she was a con artist to the words of desire and lust yet he knew he was her next victim.

"lime you know we can't do this" kwon mumbled, his face burning a flare of red; mostly out of discomfort. he didn't know why he said such words. he didn't know if he was wrong or right but something in his mind was yelling.

"said who? we only know each other through another mind so why not become closer." her voice haunted the shell of his ear as she taunted the words. each word came out like flames of heat, burning the small part of his skin but it felt like it was inflaming his whole body. kwon felt his heart beat wildly in his chest, he knew she was right. they never really hung out without other people around, she was a stranger yet with a familiar face but the yelling was getting louder.

kwon soon realized he was being turned around, her lips were plastered with that smile, so beautiful yet distractive. her body was wrapped in a white slick as if she was a snowstorm yet to come. her red locs danced along her face as if she was the centre of a rainforest. her skin glowed within the dim light of the room of books, almost like the last streetlight of the morning.

" what happens if something goes wrong?" kwon whispered, his brow cocking upwards. he didn't want to hear anything other than it would be fine to feel what he did, to grab her the way he wanted, to feel every part of her the way she wanted.

lime tangled her hands into the mess of his hair, tilting it downwards. making his eyes fall into hers, they seemed like were telling him stories about past lives but nothing at all. her nose slightly resting against the tip of his, lips barely touching his as she slowly shook her head at his words.

"let the books take care of that."

before Kwon could let another protest out, her lips already caged his. her lips moved slowly as if she was trying to stop time with this kiss. her fingers danced within his scalp, almost like she trying to steal his thoughts; from stopping her from stealing this unknowing friendship they created, from stopping him to say more displeasing words.

their lips worked together like a lock, fitting like a puzzle that wasn't supposed to be. lime bit at his lower lips, a moan rushed up his throat and into the kiss. at the moment of heat, he didn't see her as lime but as a cherry he could crush. he took matters into his own hands as he snaked his right arm around her waist before turning her over and pressing her against the wall of books. a popping sound of release from the kiss mixed with little pants was the only thing that could be heard.

"between us."

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