Seeking in lust

68 4 2

APRIL 14, 2018.
9:00 PM

Kwon's lips laced along lime's skin, inhaling the warmth of the heat that ran through her body. his fingers gripped her hips, almost as if he wanted to break them with one touch. Kwon listened as the rush of cars filled his ears, his mind was full of words he wanted to say, better yet yell at her. Yet when his eyes locked with hers, cowardice took over his motions in strategy, allowing his lustful need for her attention to set in.

"why have you been ignoring me?" kwon asked, he felt out of control, knowing he could be her second choice, knowing she could be kissing someone else, comprehending someone could be touching her better than he could, knowing she could be crumbling at someone kiss. It made his stomach turn in knots of confusion and enviousness.

"I was busy" she simply stated, not willing to share anything further or anything less with him. his chest ached from the lack of closeness yet he draw her to his body. digging his teeth deeply into her neck, almost as a punishment for not acknowledging him; trying to revenge his tore down his efforts.

Kwon, we're in public" she gasped, grabbing onto his chest as she balled the apron that covered him into a light fist, wishing she could rip every single piece of covered skin open.

Kwon let out a frosty laugh; his chest raised with each breath as the corner of his eyes curls into aged wrinkles that the sun has hidden for years to come. Kwon fingers laced around the silkiness of her neck, letting the touch awaken his senses. Kwon's fingers freely unbuttoned each button from her blouse.

"No one can see us, stop worrying so much" Kwon mumbled against the skin of the breathless woman, his skin felt the warmth of the flushness of her cheeks. his fingertips began to connect her moulds as if he was finding a new constellation; that he could perhaps, call his own.

"We better not get caught. " lime chirped, allowing a sigh of distress to slip. but not soon after she fell under the toying of his hand. her head falling into the bricks that sat behind her body; the only thing that kept the heat of her body from disappearing into the rash rain. her legs tangled with his as her fingers ghosted the male's arms, letting the layered fabric become familiar to her senses.

"we haven't yet " he chuckled out. kwon fingers soon loosely wrapped around her neck, her eyes locked into his, lips lightly parted; almost in a begging matter to feel his. kwon knew she yearned for his kiss, he was pleased to see her in this state; finally returning the feeling he felt for her. kwon scanned her lustful eyes, taking in the way she craved him at this moment, accepting her desire at this time for him only. leaning closer to her face, his lips hover over hers, brushing, bumping and slightly touching them together but never enough for her to stop wanting him. her hands running up and down along his chest, tugging him closer with each run.

"you know i want you"

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