Chapter 5: Cups

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You all are really lucky that i love you! I wanted to sleep, but i also really wanted to make you happy! Oh now i regret my decision. hha jk...kinda. so here we are Chapter 5!!


Chapter 5

I sighed dramatically, it's week 6 now, yeah, I've made it that far. Only barley though. Grace and I never did have gotten a room of are own, yes that means were still staying with One Direction. They however are no longer judges, only for the try out level of the show.

"Anabelle, your on in 3." Said one of the stage guys.

I sighed, again. They boys are here though, along with Grace. They were going to head back home, but we have become really good friends, so they stayed to cheer me on.

They stayed for me.

I told them they didn't have to, but they insisted. They are so stubborn sometimes. Mainly...Louis.

"Please give it up for the amazing Anabelle James!!" the host said.

I took a deep breathe and put on my head set. I walked out onto the stage, with a huge fake smile. It was only fake because I couldn't choke the nerves down.

In the middle of the stage was a small plastic cup, just as I had asked. I sat in the middle of the stage, and began to do the little cup think that Anna Kendrick does in Pitch Perfect.

I see the movie, and loved how she did this, so I spent the next week learning it. Then I made the decision to preform it on the show.

So here we are, just me, and this cup.

"I got my ticket for the long way 'round

Two bottle 'a whiskey for the way

And I sure would like some sweet company

And I'm leaving tomorrow, wha-do-ya say?"

I looked up and smiled, seeing that Liam had his mouth dropped open. See over the past couple of weeks, Janet has done everything in her power to keep Liam away from me. Of course it's been working. But right now, I put all that sadness and hurt into the lyrics, and sang with all my might.

When I'm gone

When I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my hair

You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

If Janet thought for a second that she was going to steal my friends away, she was wrong. I'm not going to let it happen again...

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round

The one with the prettiest of views

It's got mountains, it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers

But it sure would be prettier with you

I kept my cup at a steady pace, I looked to the side of the stage, where Janet was, she had just finished preforming. I was last, like always, and Janet's face was priceless. Her mouth was, as well, dropped open, her eyes were glaring, and full of mixed emotions. i smiried.

Payback is a bitch.

When I'm gone

When I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my walk

You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

I rose, leaving the cup face down, and walked off stage. I had sang my heart out, and the butterfly's have finally settled. I was soon embraced with a hug from Grace.

"You were great! I cannot wait to see Janet's reaction! Your so going to win this!" she gushed.

And as if hearing her name, Janet can over shaking her butt more with each step. I rolled my eyes, and began to untangle my headphones.

"Hello Anabelle, may I speak to private?" she asked, glaring at Grace.

"Yeah, whatever Janet. Grace could you..?" I asked.

"I'll just go find Niall then." She said with a smile and a wink. Oh I almost forgot, her and Niall have a...thing.

Once we were alone, Janet turned her glare to me. I really did not want to put up with this, if she starts anything it will not be pretty.

"What do you think your doing?" she asked.

"Umm, I was going to go to my hotel and sleep, but your in the way." I said, sarcastically.

"This is not the time for your little jokes. Leave Liam alone, he is mine. Got it?" she said, smirking.

Anger boiled up, and over. I wanted to throw a punch right then and there. But I decided against it and attacked her with words instead.

"Look Janet, you know just as well as I do you don't give a rats ass about Liam. You only want him because for 3 reasons. Popularity, good side of Simon, and to ruin me. Mostly the 3rd one. But news flash princess, this isn't high school, and Liam isn't just some toy you can toss out when your done with it."

I felt hot tear swell up my eyes, and I let them, I didn't care if I cried. She has pushed me to far. I then continued.

" I'm tired of playing this sick and twisted game of yours because in the end, I'll be the one getting hurt. Do what you want with Liam, because I'm done."

The tears were streaming, and Janet only glared. Grace grabbed me and led me outside, then Niall went to find Simon.

Grace sat me down on a bench right outside. I had calm down, and was picking up the pieces, when Niall came back.

"Simon said that we can leave, you made it through by the way. I'll get the boys, you two can go to the car." He said, I gave him a hug and headed towards the car.

I didn't care that I made it through, all I wanted was sleep, and to not see Liam for a long time, but I new that would be impossible.

I sat in the car, as the boys drove us home, not even out of the parking lot, I was falling

My last thought:

I love you Liam.

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