Chapter 8: I Need You Now.

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Hey guys. Sorry its been forever. I've been having some problems. My favortie band broke up recently, My Chemical Romance. None of you probably heard of them, there a rock band, and they saved my life a time or two. So I'm kind of heart broken. Plus my mom had a project for her I.T. class where she had to take a computer apart. And she used mine. But everything is working again!


SOrry for being such a downer. And if this chapter sucks, i'm sorry, like i said, i'm having problems.

Thanks for understanding.

NOw on with the story!


Chapter 8

(P.O.V Annabell)

Poor Addie, I don’t think that girl has ever had a boyfriend except that creep Luke. And now a guy I know she feels strongly for just laughed in her face.

I smacked Louis’s chest, hearing a loud ‘pop’ as a result.

“OW!” he cried.

“You deserve it!” I countered.

“Whoa, whoa why the smacking of the best friend?” Harry said, as he came up the top of the stairs.

“Your jerk of a best friend just found out Addie likes him because he was ease dropping, and then laughed at her. “ I said, then hit Louis again.

“OW! Would you stop that!” he cried.

“No!” I yelled, then hit him again.

I’m not a very violent person, okay maybe a little violent. But then again he deserves it! Addison had ran to her room, to embarrassed to face him. I cant blame her, I’ve been avoiding Liam ever since the Janet issue.

“I’m going to go check on her.” Grace said, and head into Addison’s room, but not before she gave Louis a hatful glare.

We all heard an unexpected knock at the door. Louis, Harry and I all headed down stairs,  and Louis answered the door.

It was Janet.


Pardon my French.

She pushes past Louis and walks up to me.

And punches me right in the face.


Zayn, who has suddenly appeared out of no where, grabs Janet, holding her back.

“You bitch!” she spat.

“Huh?” I say. Still kinda dazed.

“Liam broke up with me! Because of you! You’re a bitch!” she yells.

“What are you talking about! I didn’t do anything! Infact I haven’t even seen Liam, because I’ve been avoiding him because of you!” I yell.

Then Liam walks in, and pushed Janet out the door.

“Look Janet, I said we were done, I never said why. Now get out and leave me and my friends alone.” He growls.

Then slams the door in her face.

Liam: 53458784

Me: 0

Janet: 1


I stood there, in utter shock. Really, I cannot believe that just happened. Did he really break up with here? because of me? No way! He never told her why so maybe it wasn’t because of me..maybe-

“Your bleeding.” Liam says, breaking my thoughts.

I look at him, rasing an eyebrow.

He grabs my hand, sending shivers down my spine. He drags me to the bathroom, and as I look in the mirror, I see that I had a bloody lip, and bleeding nose.

Wow. Who new Janet could actually throw a punch?

Liam turns me around, and begins to patch me up. As he begins to disinfect my lip, I flinch in pain. It burns.

“Sorry, sorry.” He mutters.

“Is it true?” I ask, once he was finished.

“Is what true?”

“Did you really break up with her…because of me?” I practically whisper.

I knew I shouldn’t ask, but its been killing me ever since she said it. I like Liam, a lot, but I never expected this to happen.

However Liam never answered my question. He walked out of the room.


“Liam?” I say, going after him.

But he was already gone?

“Hey, Belle, you okay?” I hear Harry ask.

“Yea Hazza, I’m good.” I reply.

Why am I not crying?

Simple. If Liam wants to be immature, fine.

“Hey, you look a little down, everything okay?” Harry asked.

“Yes…no not really.”

“Is it Liam?” he says.


“oh come on, we all know that you have a thing for him. we’ve known since you got here.” he says, with a smirk.

“Is it that obvious?”


“Damn.” I mutter.

Harry laughs, and I sigh.

“Hey, no need to be sad, he’ll come around.” He says.

“I just wish I could get my mind off of him sometimes. You know?” I say.

“Well, come on then. Let’s go hang out!” Harry says, dragging me down stairs and to his car.

As we drove to this mystery place, i found that Harry was actually a lot of fun. We sang to the best songs on the radio, and he made me laugh, probably the most I have in years.

He also took me, to Chucky Cheese.

Hell yes.

Yet, that whole time, one thought was kept in the back of my mind.

Why did Harry always show up when I needed someone the most?

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