Chapter 10: Taken

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Chapter 10-

(P.O.V Anabelle)

Okay…I cant lie right now. Liam was kissing me, and I was really enjoying it. Although it confused the crap out of me, but at the moment I didn’t care.

When we both separated, Liam pulled me into the broom closet.

“Why are we in here?” I asked.

I looked up at Liam, and saw the tears in his eyes.

Tears? Why is he crying?

“That song…was about me, wasn’t it?” he asked.

“Yes, Liam. Yes the song was about you, but I’m honestly surprised you realized it.” I said.

“I was doing it for you, y’know.” He said.

“Doing what?” I said.

“Dating Janet. I was doing it for you! I really like you Belle, and Janet over heard me telling Niall, and she threatened that if I were to tell you, date you, even talked to you! She was going to get you disqualified from the completion. And seeing as how passionate you were at the auditions I could let your dreams get crushed.” He said sighing heavily.

I was…I don’t know what I was….

I was shocked, confused, relived, and a whole bunch of other indescribable emotions.

I was glad that Liam was telling me why he has been acting strange since…well…I have been staying with them!

“Liam..i..i don’t know what to say.” I said.

“You don’t have to say anything, I’m just sorry for the way I’ve been treating you. It was uncalled for and unfair to you, and I’m sorry.” He said, looking down.

“Liam, I don’t want your apology. I am fully capable of knowing the power Janet actually has.” I said, looking at the floor.


“CATCH ME IF YOU CAN GRACIE!!” I shouted to my best friend, as we played tag in the front yard.

It was my 10th birthday party, and I was super excited. However, the only down side was that my mom made me invite Janet Cabot, the girl who has hated me since Pre-K. But at the moment, known of that mattered, because my best friend and I were playing tag, and Janet wasn’t in sight.

Until a black limo pulled up, and Janet popped out.

Darn, spoke to soon.

“Girls, Janet is here! Come say hello!” my mother called.

Since it’s the middle of May, my mother was having a barbeque, and invited the entire town. So she wasn’t going to let Grace and I play inside, that’s why we were hiding in the backyard, until now that is.

“Mrs. James, I’m awful tired, can Grace, Belle, and I go play inside?” Janet asked, batting her eyes.

“Oh of course sweetie!” my mother said.

Oh….Janet up to her old trick again. Getting everything she wants.

With Janet’s blonde hair, and big blue eyes, she’s every parents sterio-typical dream daughter.

And I hated her.

“What would you like to do Janet?” I asked, trying to be kind, since I didn’t want her ruining my birthday.

Then, suddenly Janet fell to the ground and began to cry loudly, making everyone rush inside.

“Janet, honey whats wrong?” my father asked.

“B-belle pushed me down! I didn’t do a-nything wrong!” she cried.

“No I didn’t! She fell on her own! She’s ruining everything!” I yelled.

“Belle, don’t say that! And you know better then to push people! It isn’t nice!” my mother helped Janet up, and brought her over to the kitchen, giving her milk and cookies.

“Alright, I’ve had enough, first it’s a call from Janet’s parents, the your school principle, and now I’m dealing with it myself. I warned you Belle, and I’m sorry, but your going to Military Camp for the rest of the summer.” My father said sternly, then began to make phone calls.

I left the following morning. It was awful.


“That was the last time I seen my father. He was diagnosed with Cancer, and died three weeks later.” I told Liam, as I looked up from the floor, into his eyes.

I felt the tears fall from my eyes, and leave tear streaks on my cheeks. I had never told anyone that story, because it was my last memory of my father, and it was like my own personal treasure. Sharing felt…it felt like I was giving away what I held most dear.

But, with Liam, sharing felt…it felt right. Like I could still hold it close, but also get it off my chest.

Then suddenly, the door opened, and there stood Harry.

“What are you guys doing in here?” he asked.

“We were talking, Liam had to tell me something he didn’t want Janet hearing.” I said, before wiping my face and hugging Harry.

“I think I’m going to go visit Niall, in the hospital, I’ll be back before they announce the winner.” Liam said, smiling at me before he left.

“Alright, see you later then.” I said.

I watched as Liam walked out the back door, and then turned my attention to Harry, who looked…jealous?

“Harry, something wrong?” I asked.

“Yea, actually there was something I needed to tell you.” He said.


“Well, you can tell me anything…!” I said.

“I really like you, Belle.” He said.

“Well I like you too Harry, that is why we are best friends.” I said.

“No, Belle. I  like you, like you.” He said.




Harry Styles just said he has feelings for me, but I’m in love with Liam.

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