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(a/n tw: mentions of sexual assault/rape.)


"So, what's on the menu tonight?"

Jenny and I arrived at the local store two blocks away from my apartment. We were slowly going through each aisle with a small basket to hold the many snacks that Jenny kept throwing in. Everything ranging from candy, chips, and now ice cream that she just grabbed.

I hadn't planned on having company tonight, so my original plan was to just have left over pasta from last night. But I was still very much in an Italian mood.

"Well, I have left over pasta at my apartment, or we could get a frozen pizza, and I can make bruschetta as an appetizer?" I have a really bad obsession with bruschetta. I used to hate tomatoes when I was younger, but since working at the diner, my palette has grown. Mushrooms, though, are the one food I can never stomach.

"Ooo, yes! I take it you know how to cook then?" Jenny asked as she opened the freezer door to grab out a frozen pepperoni pizza.

"Yeah. I used to work at a diner back home during the weekends and summer. I'm super close with the owner so she taught my brother and I a few things," I'm usually not super open with people I just met, but Jenny is so welcoming that it just happens naturally.

Even small information like this is a huge deal to me.

"You have a brother, huh? Is he single?" Jenny nudged me with her elbow, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Yes. But he's a senior in high school, so unless you're into younger men, sorry, boys, I wouldn't get your hopes up," I laughed at her.

She shrugged,  "Hey, a girl is always on the lookout. And it never ends well comes to friends siblings,"

I wasn't expecting her to call me her friend already, we only met nearly ten hours ago. But I don't have anyone to call a friend, except for Josh, so I'll take it in a heartbeat.

And saying your younger brother is your best friend, feels like a downgrade in itself.

We circled back around the store so I could grab the things I needed to make the bruschetta. Roma tomatoes, garlic, mozzarella, and sliced Italian bread.

I decided on grabbing a bottle of wine, both of us only liking Moscato, or sweet red. I grabbed both just in case.

We went up to check out, Jenny deciding to pay for it even after I told her I got it. I wasn't tight on money, so that wasn't an issue. But like with Sarah, I never liked it when someone else paid, because then I always feel the need to pay them back. I even do that with small gestures, not just money.

We walked back to my apartment with shopping bags in hand, while making small talk.

When we made it inside the building, I saw Penny getting her mail, introducing her to Jenny, then continued to make the haul up the stairs.

"Well aren't you just the loveliest girl," Penny said to Jenny, as she turned to her apartment door.

"Well, thank you very much. It was nice meeting you," Jenny responded with a bright smile.

We waved goodbye to Penny as I unlocked my door and she walked back into her apartment.

"Fair warning, I don't know if you're allergic to cats, but I have one, and she will do anything for attention," I didn't even think to warn her ahead of time, since I'm not used to having company that isn't Josh or Sarah when they stop by once a month.

Jenny shakes her head, "Nope. I had three cats growing up so I feel your pain."

As if right on cue, Moxie came strutting up to Jenny and circled at her feet, mewing up at her.

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