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Tomorrow is the new beginning of the rest of my life.

Tomorrow is my first day at RAV Enterprise as a receptionist. I truly have no idea how I managed to grab this position when RAV is one of the hardest companies to get into.

When I was in college getting my bachelors degree in business, I had to learn about almost every important corporation in New York. RAV being one of the most powerful and well known, it was always the company of interest.

I didn't see myself as being a receptionist with my degree, but I've gotten desperate.

No one was kidding about how expensive it is living in New York City by yourself. My apartment isn't shoebox sized but it definitely isn't any cheaper. I grew up in the quaint part of Port Chester, New York in a seemingly perfect townhouse. I didn't have it bad but my family was well off to say the least. But I had to make everything I earned on my own.

I got my first job at sixteen at a diner in downtown Port Chester. First as a dishwasher then later a waitress after working there for about a year. I worked there all through high school on the weekends when I wasn't busy with school work or cross country or track and field, and during the summers of college.

Sarah, the owner of the diner after her husband passed, was like a mother to me, and still is to this day. She watched me grow up, seeing as my family and I would go there almost once a week for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And gladly gave me a job when I asked about needing one. But she never treated me any differently from any of the other employees, besides sending me home with the leftover baked goods, and having a flexible schedule.

She always took care of me when things were.. bad, to say the least, at home. I could always count on her as an escape from my parents for me and my younger brother, Josh.

I could never leave him there on his own and would drag him out of bed to sneak over to her house down the street in the early hours of the morning. And every time no matter what or how late in the night it was, she would wake up and let us in. She would let us sleep in her kids' old rooms for the night, then wake us up before we knew our parents would be getting ready for work the next morning. My brother would occasionally sleep in my bed so we didn't have to worry about being caught taking him back to his room. He always did when we had bad nights with our parents out of fear of having a nightmare of what took place earlier in the night. My parents never liked it, but they never put up a fight about it.

It was hard to leave him when I left for college then even harder when I moved out. We are each other's rocks and always stay by each other's side, even when he was going through his beginning of his terrible teenage years, nothing could tear us apart. He's finally in his senior year of high school and is just as ready to get out of that house as I was-

"Kitty Kat, are you still there?" Sarah asked me through the phone as I was remembering the past.

"Uh-yeah.. Sorry, just got a little in my head.. Sorry, what did you ask me?" I had completely gotten off track with our conversation, while also trying not to burn down my apartment complex while cooking myself dinner, and prepping myself breakfast for the morning.

"I asked you if you had a way to work. I know you have no want to get a car, but I just want to make sure that-"

"Yes, Sarah, I have a way to work. The subway has a direct line from here that goes straight to the business sector. I'll be fine," Sarah always made sure I had a ride to and from anywhere. She would often take me to my practices and meets when my parents were too busy to be able to take me.

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