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After the door completely shuts, Jenny sighs, "God damnit, Mikey! What the fuck!" Jenny shoots up to her feet, crossing to Mikey, yelling at him.

"What the fuck was I supposed to do, Jenny? Just tell him no?" Mikey retorts, waving his arms around while he talks.

"Um, yeah actually, what the fuck were you thinking?!" Jenny shoots back.

"Guys," I whisper up at them.

"I don't know! Okay? I'm sorry! Jesus christ, Jenny,"

"Guys," I say a little louder.

"Oh you're gonna be sorry, right after I shove my foot up your-"

"Guys!" I finally find the voice in me to yell, getting both of their attention on me. "What... The fuck, is going on?" I look between the both of them, hiccuping in between words.

Both of them look at me sympathetically, but Jenny is the one to open her mouth first. "Harry, um," she pauses, taking in a deep breath, "Harry's going to take you home."

I'm taken aback, a gasp getting stuck in my throat. I had a slight feeling that that's what they were talking about, but I didn't want to think it was true. Why would Harry, of all people, want to take me home? He's done nothing but be a total dick to me all night, and he thinks he has the right to be able to get me home? Well after it had been established that Jenny was going to be the one to give me a ride? What the actual fuck.

"H-He's what? I-I don't understand- why would he- he's been- he- I- W-What? Why?" I fumble through my words, not knowing what to ask first, my brain becoming straight mush.

"Hey, hey, calm down, Kitty Kat," Jenny rushes back in front of me, noticing my breathing becoming erratic again. "I don't-" she pauses, shutting her mouth, thinking, "I don't know."

"W-What do you mean you don't know?" I raise my voice at her, tears pricking in my eyes once more, "How do I know he's going to actually take me home? I-I need to get home to Moxie, I can't just leave with him!" I start to cry. I tired to hold it back, but the lump in my throat became unbearable.

"Shh, shh," Jenny pulls me into her by my head, letting me cry into her shoulder, "I know Harry can be a dick, but when he makes a promise, he never breaks a promise. And he made one to the both of us that you would be safe," she tries to calm me down but now all that I can think of is Harry and I's earlier conversation.

'And I never break a promise, Kitty,'

Harry's words circle through my head, causing the ringing in my ears to come back and overpower my senses.

I practically become numb. Everything becomes a blur. Jenny pulls back from me, saying words that I can't hear, but I nod my head at her anyways, holding up my hand to tell her to give me a second.

I need to go into this with a semi clear mind. If I keep working myself up, I'll end up passing out. I need to come up with a plan. A good plan that will make Harry regret his decisions. I'm still mildly drunk, but I can definitely play that up.

He already saw how annoying I become when I'm drunk at the table, so I need to channel that back into play. Being loud and obnoxious might not be the best idea, but it's all I can do to keep myself from falling off the deep end, and drowning.

If I fool myself enough to believe that I'm fine, then I will be. On the outside I will look calm and collected, when an the inside I am freaking the fuck out.

I suck in a big deep breath through my nose, and out my mouth, wiping the tears away from my face with the backs of my hands. I look up at Jenny with a big fake smile, "Okay, lets go," I hold my hands up to them, wiggling my fingers.

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