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(Feel free to play the song (Blue Monday by New Order) when you see the little * sign to add to the ambiance. ;) )


I am drunk.

I couldn't tell you how many tequila shots I've had, but I think I had at least three of those Dracula's Blood things. No one was stopping me, but instead they just smiled and gave me another shot. I think I might have taken a shot with just Jack at one point but honestly, I can't remember.

I like Jack. He's fun.

We had zero coherent conversations, but he laughed at my jokes, so that was good enough for me.

One joke I had said, had the whole table in stitches, except for no fun Harry. But to tell you the truth, I can't tell if they were laughing at the joke, or the way that I slurred when I said it. Or maybe the fact that I've been laughing at my own jokes this entire time. Probably everything.

"Okay, okay, Jack," I called over to him laughing. He looked over at me, propping his elbows up on the table, resting his head on his folded fingers, "What do you call a beehive without an exit?" I couldn't hold in my giggles, trying to get the joke out.

"I don't know, Kitty Kat, what do you call a beehive without an exit?" he smiled at me.

I started to laugh harder, trying to get to the punchline of the joke, "Unbelievable," and we all burst out into laughter. I think I even heard Harry give a small laugh; finally.

I went on for a while, telling one bad dad joke after the other, but after the one about bees, I had to calm myself down. I had laughed so much that my eyes were watering and I had to keep taking deep breaths to calm my rapid heart beat.

While at the table, I kept leaning my head on Jennys shoulder. I tend to get a little cuddly when I'm drunk, but Jenny didn't seem to mind. She'd pat my leg, hold my hand, and hand me my water to take sips from. I really hope Jenny and I can become close friends.

"You doin' okay, Kitty Kat?" Jenny had asked me the first time I leaned on her.

"Mhmm, yep. I'm great. I feel a little fuzzy inside, but that's all," I laughed as she looped her fingers in mine, giving my hand a little squeeze.

"Just making sure," she said through giggles at my antics, "You ate today right? I don't want you throwing up in my car later," she gave me a stern look.

"Yes!" I pulled my head off of her to face her, "I had sushi for lunch, then I made some pasta for dinner, with garlic bread, ugh I love garlic bread! I even gave Moxie her own little plate." I turned to face Jack and Bennie, "Moxie is my cat, she's a pretty little orange tabby and she is the love of my life, and she was not happy with me when I was getting ready, but I gave her lots of loves and told her I'd come back to her. She's my best friend, it's normal to have a pet as a friend right?" I slurred, looking between the three of them.

Jenny laughs at me, "You ramble when you're drunk, don't you?"

I gasped, putting my free hand over my heart, "How could you tell?" I said with a shocked look.

"Wild guess," Jenny shook her head, causing me to break out in a fit of laughter, to which she joined in.

I sat there talking to Jenny about the dumbest things, for what felt like hours. I couldn't even tell you what we even talked about, probably just dumb things like memories from college. I remember going through my phone to show off photos of Moxie, forcing everyone at the table to look at her.

I even showed Harry, who hasn't spoken to me since our talk we had at the beginning of the night. But even though we hadn't spoken a lick to each other, I kept feeling his gaze on me the whole time we were sitting down. The only sound I've gotten out of him was a slight laugh at my terrible joke.

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