
137 7 5

tw: violence 


Getting to work this morning was a pain.

The city decided to do construction on the subway station that I usually use to get to work, so I had to spend the extra money to take an Uber.

I'm thankful my driver wasn't talkative, I was in no mood to talk.

After my anger subsided Saturday, all I was left with was a feeling of being empty. I had so many emotions running rampant through my mind, that once I finally slowed down for two seconds, my entire body felt sluggish.

Josh could see it written all over my face when I came back down from the roof, but decided not to comment on it. Though we did eventually talk about what happened. He had told me that Harry said that the reason he was over, was because we were getting breakfast with a group of work friends. You could imagine the fake shock on his face when I told him that was a lie.

Harry seems to have a way with lying.

I didn't go into the details of why he was over, keeping it short and simple that he showed up drunk on my doorstep, and I helped him sober up. I then became a hypocrite and lied, telling him that he passed out on my couch not long after he showed up.

I may be close with Josh, but I am not a 'tell your sibling about your sex life' kind of gal.

I also didn't have to tell him about mine and Harry's conversation before he had left. Apparently, the music wasn't loud enough, and my voice was rather loud, so he heard bits and pieces of the conversation. Not on purpose, of which I believed him.

Josh tried to be apologetic, but I told him there was no reason for him to apologize on his behalf. Harry had done his damage, and that was on him and him alone.

My Uber came to a halt, stopping in front of RAV. After thanking the diver, I climbed out of the car, and walked into the building. I must've somehow got here way earlier than I had planned, the only people in the main lobby being a security guard and a hungover looking front desk lady. Not a single person was coming into the building by myself.

The guard welcomed me with a quiet, 'Mornin', and I returned it with a smile.

Once I was in front of the elevator, I clicked the button to call the lift. While I was waiting, my phone started to ring in my purse.

The doors to the elevator opened while I continued to struggle for my phone, not looking at my other hand that reached out to click the floor that takes me to the office.

The elevator doors close once I finally reach my phone, seeing Jenny calling me.


I hear muffled talking in the background, "Kat, hey you're not at the office right now are you?" she sounds out of breath.

Mixed in with the commotion in the background, and her worried voice, confuses me, "Um, yeah I just got here, why?" the elevator dings, the doors slowly open.

I get two steps out of the elevator when I realize I'm on the wrong floor, "Oh, um, no reason, Mikey hurry the fuck up!" "I'm trying!" Jenny's voice was fuzzy, as if she held her hand over her phone when she yelled at a panicked Mikey.

"Jenny, what's going on?" I ask, just as panicked.

"Kat, you...-out-now. We're...-way..-h-hello? Kat-?" her voice cut in and out, my phone losing service as I stood in the the dark dingy hallway.

"Jenny, I can't hear you... Hello? Shit," my phone beeps, dropping the call.

I stand there trying to call her back, but my phone just makes the same beeping, not even trying to let the call go through.

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