Just Friends

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August 7, 2022

I wake to the sound of hushed voices and the smell of hand sanitizer. At first I'm delirious and confused as to where on earth I am and why my arms feel like they're weighed down and why I have a funny taste in my mouth and why people are talking around me while I'm trying to sleep and why there is some incessant beeping. Then, it all comes flooding back and my eyes are snapping open.

Once I focus in on the noise around me, I realize the room is a cacophony of anger and drama. What on earth happened after I passed out? On one side of me, there's Jace and Jasper and Leah all whispering, but only barely and I can see Leah's face becoming red with frustration. On the other side, I see Charlie and Seth, both throwing their arms about angrily, speaking quietly but from the way they practically hiss in each other's faces, I can tell nothing good is happening over there. I try to sit up, but my body suddenly feels like it weighs a ton.

"Kai," Leah suddenly says, seeing me struggling to comprehend everything.

Everyone's conversations stop and suddenly all five of them are there around me with concern etched deep in their expressions. Jace is the first to speak, "How are you?"

I lick my dry lips before speaking, but my voice sounds rough, "I feel like shit."

"We're not supposed to be in here, but we snuck in long enough to make sure you were okay," Seth says, with a smirk, but I can see the indifferent look in his eyes.

He's upset with me, and I don't blame him.


He shakes his head, "I called Daisy for you. I'm going to head over and inform B that you'll be on sick leave for a day or two. Feel better, yeah?"

With that, he turns and leaves, shrugging off Charlie's hand when he tries to stop him. I frown and bite my lip to stop myself from letting too much emotion show. This is my fault. I made my bed, time to lay in it. Face the music. All the stupid damn metaphors for dealing with the consequences of your stupid decisions.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Do you... remember yesterday?" Charlie asks quietly.

I sigh and push myself into a sitting position, not without struggle, "I remember everything up until I blacked out. I don't know what happened from there, obviously."

Charlie's cheeks turn bright red as he awkwardly takes a seat at the end of my bed. Jace does the same on the other side while Leah and Jasper stand off, neither looking at each other or at me. What could have happened there?

Jace frowns and I stiffen when his hand bumps my leg as he sits, "We don't have clear answers on what happened to you yet, but after you collapsed, Seth called for an ambulance, but they took too long so I carried you to Jasper's car and he drove us to A&E. They brought you in and insisted on keeping you over night, but haven't told us anything because they need to wait for a relative or something of the sort. That's why we're waiting on, uh, Daisy."

I frown at the mention of Daisy, "Fuck. She doesn't need to deal with this. Couldn't one of you have just lied?"

I fell back on the bed, throwing an arm over my face to block out the bright lights, "And please turn those lights off. My head is killing me."

Charlie quickly jumps up to turn off the light and just then the doctor strolls in with none other then Daisy. The look on her face says it all. She's disappointed, she's worried, she's upset, but most of all she's relieved I'm okay. I almost smile as her tiny ass self sprints across the room and throws herself into my arms. "Don't ever scare me like that again you jerk! Seth called and said you were in the hospital without any information! I thought you were dead or dying!"

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