The Promise

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October 1, 2022

So, it's safe to say that everyone is ecstatic about the engagement, but no one more than myself. Since I accepted Jace's proposal, I haven't been able to wipe the grin off my face and Zoe and Seth's energy and liveliness has only added to it.

The moment Jace and I left our beach, Grams and Martyn both congratulated us and when we arrived back at our new home, I was pleasantly surprised to see Leah and Seth had spent all the time I'd been running around to set up a party to celebrate for when we returned. The entire night had been so lovely and with Jace's arm never leaving my waist, I can honestly say it was the happiest I've been since the day we got back together. Maybe even more so.

Now, Jace and I had originally decided that we'd wait until next summer because a winter wedding would be too cold and we wanted it outdoors and fall was too soon for either of us to plan it and spring would be too wet and it's always busy. Like I said, that was the original plan until Zoe and Seth found out and decided they were having none of it. Within the last day, they'd taken it upon themselves to begin planning out the wedding for us, saying that a fall wedding would be absolutely gorgeous and since I really didn't know a thing about weddings, I trusted them to make it wonderful.

Jace and I were just cleaning up our lunches when Zoe and Seth came barrelling through the front door, calling after us with huge grins on their faces. Bewildered, we share exasperated glances before turning to our zany, unpredictable friends.

"Okay! So, it's decided!" Zoe exclaims, holding a giant book in her hands and tossing it down on the dining table. "We've set the time and place! We considered spending a fortune on a big fancy venue, but I know how you enjoy simplicity so instead my dad's agreed to let us use their backyard because firstly it's big enough and it's really pretty in the fall with the trees framing the property. We will however rent out a party hall for the reception because it'd be a royal pain to set up a dance floor and all the seating one day and then have to take it all down and set up another arrangement afterwards."

"That all sounds lovely, but what about the budget," Jace cuts in, eyes wide and looking a little overwhelmed.

"Oh, your parents--thanks to Martyn-- will be covering it. They said that covering the whole wedding and honeymoon expenses would be their gift to you both and also..." Seth waves off before trailing off, eyes meeting mine. "They also want you to consider it a thank you gift."

Zoe grins at that, "All you two need to do is show up, look pretty, and then-- well you know what comes after."

A hot blush streaks across both our cheeks as I clear my throat and try to pretend she didn't just insinuate what I know she just insinuated, "When is this all happening?"

"October nineteenth," They say at the same time, smiling in a way that kind of creeps me out.

My jaw drops though as I glance at Jace who seems equally shocked, before turning on Zoe and Seth, "That's less than three weeks away!"

They shrug, grinning anyway as Seth flips open the book, "Don't worry your cute little head, we have it all under control. Zoe and I are on top of all the coordinating, while Martyn and Jared are taking care of the guest list and RSVP's and most of the internal day-of things. Grams, Daisy and Sam are on top of food and drinks. Zaq and Zoe's dad's are going to be in contact with florists, bands and are searching for someone who will actually perform the ceremony. Leah is actually insisting on being on top of the photography and her, Zoe and I will be taking you both on different occasions to pick out your tuxedos."

"What about the rings? Who's going to be doing what in the wedding? Have you made sure the weather will be okay? Will everyone be able to make it? Guys, this is all on such short notice. I-I don't--" I begin to become overwhelmed, but the feel of a familiar gentle hand touching my shoulder makes me pause and glance over at Jace who is smiling warmly at me.

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