Onward and Upward

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September 25, 2022

I got a call this morning, and after everything that's happened lately, I'm glad to finally get the chance to do this. Walking up to the big front doors, I feel guilty knowing that I didn't tell Jace of my coming here, but he didn't know of what was discussed weeks ago in the first place. His father had asked me to protect him and make sure he stayed safe, and after hearing of everything that went on between Jace, Jasper and I-- the call I received was from Mr. Levett himself. Asking if I'd mind going over for tea.

So, here I am, knocking on their front door, still wearing a brace and in slight pain.

The door swings open seconds later and I find a frowning Mr. and Mrs. Levett ushering me in, "Good afternoon, Kailas. I hope your drive was alright?"

"It was fine, ma'am," I say, smiling warmly at Jace's mother.

"How's the arm, son?" Mr. Levett asks, smiling sadly as I follow the pair out towards the back onto a little patio set up above their garden.

I shrug, glancing down at it, "It's getting better, thanks."

"Martyn is here too, actually. Said he'd like to thank you himself for all you've done, " Mrs. Levett says, patting my shoulder gently. "We really can't begin to thank you enough, Kailas."

"You honestly don't need to, ma'am," I say with a light blush. "Even if I didn't know Jace like I do, I'd never sit back and let him continue to be treated the way he was."

"I knew there was something wrong with that man," Mr. Levett says lowly, sipping at the tea served to him. "I surely hope you did a fair amount of damage when you could, I wish I could strangle him myself for laying his hands on my son that way."

"And you! The way he attacked you was simply savage. To think Jace had been experiencing that kind of trauma these past years... I wish he'd have talked to us" Mrs. Levett sighs, wiping tears from her eyes.

I glance down into my tea cup, trying not to imagine Jace going through such pain, "I'm not a violent person by nature. Very few times in my life have I been driven to hurt anyone, but it's a sad coincidence that every time seems to involve domestic violence. The last time I had truly wanted to inflict pain on anyone was when my step father hurt my mother. The second I saw Jasper raise a hand to Jace, something snapped and it was the same feeling. The only thing holding me back was Jace's pleas to let him handle it, and my being too weak to do anything to upset him. So, I listened, but I shouldn't have. I could have stopped it sooner, and maybe if I'd done something smarter none of this would have--"

"You did more than anyone else, Kai. Don't even start on that," I hear Martyn's voice enter the room, glancing up into his familiar face at the feel of his touch on my shoulder. "You saw he needed help and you watched out for my baby brother. Things may not have ended the prettiest, but thanks to you it's all over and Jace is safe and with the right person."

His proud smile makes me burn with embarrassment, and it only worsens when I glance across from me and see Jace's parents offering me the same smile, "I wouldn't say I'm the right person, but-"

"There's no one else I'd want to see next to my son," Mr. Levett says to me kindly, but with a stern stare. "You care for him, you protect him, you're intelligent."

"Knowing he's with you out there in the world, it puts my mind at ease," Mrs. Levett says, reaching over to rest her hand over mine.

Martyn squeezes my shoulder, drawing my attention to him once more, "You make him happier than I've ever seen him. You're good for him, Kai, and he's good for you."

I smile, sipping on my tea as I feel warmth in my heart at the acceptance Jace's family has given me, "He deserves to be happy after everything he's been through."

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