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I know what you're thinking, two lone riders in a dystopian world. Surrounded by land that's gone to waste.

How did this world get so broken? Well, that all began 500 years ago. Kumandra, was what we used to be when our land was whole and we lived harmoniously alongside...Dragons! Magical creatures who brought us water, rain and peace.

It was paradise...but then the Druun came, a mindless plague that spread like wildfire. Multiplying as they consumed life and turned everyone they touched into stone. The dragons fought for us the best they could, but it wasn't enough.

That's when the mighty Sisudatu, the last dragon. Concentrated all her magic into a gem and...blasted the Druun away.

Everyone that was turned to stone came back, except the dragons. All that was left of Sisu, was her gem...or so we thought. It should have been this inspirational moment, where humanity united over her sacrifice. But instead people, being people, they all fought to possess the last remnant of dragon magic.

Borders were drawn and Kumandra was divided. We all became enemies and the gem had to be hidden, at least that's how the story goes.

But that's not how the world broke, that truly didn't happen until 500 years later when we came into the story.

-Present Day-


Ray and I got ready for our big mission, I pulled out gloves placing them onto my hands and grabbed weapons as Ray did the same. Lastly I placed my mask and my golden dragon ring that always fit me too big, into a gold chain as he tied it around my neck.

-"Ready?" Ray called out to me as I nodded, and we ran across the bridge onto the cold rain covered streets.

As we ran across, small splashes could be heard until we reached the tunnels. Quietly walking through them until Ray came to a halt, stretching out a hand to block me. He traced his hands along the walls, staring between them and the emptiness up ahead. We both pulled our masks away to get a closer look.

-"I know this is a trap, but what type could it be?" I asked, as I looked for any clues to help us figure it out.

Ray nodded and crouched down getting a better look while I looked at the side walls and ceilings. I crouched down onto the floor and patted the ground, but as I did a net came down almost crashing onto us. But before that could happen Ray and I quickly dodged it.

-"Are you okay?" he asked as I nodded.

Ray reached for his little pill-bug armadillo pet and taped it on its shell. The little creature uncoiled and laid its back into Ray's palm, as Ray gave him instructions.

-"All right, Tuk Tuk, let's show'em what clever looks like," Ray crouched down once more and let Tuk Tuk roll across the flooring, effortlessly dodging all the nets that came falling down.

-"Very clever" I hummed and Ray smirked proudly at his 'hard work'. We got down and crawled under all the nets, safely getting on the other side.

-"Tuk Tuk!" Ray called out trying to catch Tuk Tuk's attention who was playing around with a small beetle.

-"Come on Tuk Tuk, focus" I whispered and he nodded his head slightly and rolled over.

-"Thank you"

-"Hey bud, that was awesome! Give me some shell!" Ray congratulated as Tuk Tuk tried to reach his hand for a high-five, but missed miserably.

-"I got you!" I happily stated as I picked him up patting his little shell.

We had gotten to the 'door' but there were no handles or buttons to open it. Ray reached for the bamboo sticks he had and pressed them into the small holes found all around the 'door' frame. Pressing them in, he turned them causing the door to roll out of the way. 


Hi! I'm back with a new story, this isn't one of my favorite's that I've written but I know eventually I'll come back and edit it. If you have any suggestions please let me know!

Thank you so much for all the views on my other stories and followers, it mean a lot to me that you enjoy the stories. 

Once again if you have any requests please let me know and I'll add them to the list (putting those as priority)!

I hope you enjoy the new story!


Raya and the Last Dragon (Male! Raya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now