The Battle and End

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Walking towards the Fang palace was hard, Druun were everywhere attacking, and turning everyone to stone. The others helped the people of Fang out, and I made my way to Ray and Namaii. My body left weak again. The Druun kept coming, but shining the gem piece towards them backed them away, it was a struggle, but I had finally reached the castle's main room, were Namaii and Ray were fighting.

-"STOP! RAY! NAMAII!" I yelled and fell onto the ground feeling my body heavy and my energy slipping away. Dust clouded their battle, as the building fell, destroying as the Druun consumed life.

-"Please stop!" out of the dust storm Ray walked towards me lifting me in bridal style and walking outside.

He placed me in the middle where the others had been blasting off Druun, I gave him the gem piece and he joined them. I clutched the little gem piece I had, wondering what had caused the shock on Sisu's face after holding it. Namaii joined us moments later, blocking a Druun that was near me. The ground crumbled under us and fell inwards, causing us all to fall or slide in.

-"Y/n! Please get up" Ray picked me up, hugging me. I felt like passing out, I coughed at the feeling of dust filling my lungs from the crumble.

Everyone was struggling because the gems were losing power.  They had arranged themselves in a circle with me and the little baby in the middle. I held her tightly while she clutched the gem holding it upwards, trying to blast Druun away.

-"Everyone give me your gems! We can still put it together, we can still make it work!" Ray said, reaching and holding onto my hand.

-"Sisu's gone, Ray! We don't have her magic" Boun yelled.

They all argued until Ray and I walked towards Namaii and gave him the gem piece, giving him a smile we backed up, Ray hugging me tightly.

-"I love you" was the last thing I heard before turning to stone.


This is the second to last chapter! One more and we are done. There both pretty short, and I apologize, but it was either one long one or two short ones. 

Like usual I'll need a few days before beginning a new book. So maybe Monday or Tuesday I'll post the new book.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Feel free to request, I'm almost done with the ones that where requested.


Raya and the Last Dragon (Male! Raya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now