Waking Up

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The sun rose letting the sun rays seep through the curtains into my bedroom. I woke up, made my bed, and got dressed. I walked out, closing the door behind me and made my way to Ray's room to wake him up. Getting to his room I knocked on the door, but was greeted with silence. 'I guess he's not up yet' I mumbled to myself while opening the door quietly. I crept to where he was sleeping and...shook him awake.

-"WAKE UP" I yelled and he jolted awake.

He mumbled something as I laughed at his expression of being awakened in such a strange way.

-"Come on get up, your dad said to meet him early yesterday, something about an important thing he had to tell us. I'll meet you by one of the hallways, let's see if we run into your dad" I waved goodbye and walked around the hallways admiring all the flowers and decorations being set up.

Eventually Ray caught up to me and we went to look for his dad who we had found surprisingly quickly. Ray and I played an intense game of tag as his father walked down the middle easily dodging our attempts to tag each other. Of course other people weren't so lucky, as we had almost crashed into two people that had passed by trying to get on with their day.

-"Well, someone's excited," the chief laughed out loud as I tagged Ray, making him turn around and chase after me.

-"Well, yeah!" I responded excitedly as I composed myself and stood accordingly on his left side.

-"I mean, anyone hoping to steal the dragon gem, now has to face the fury of the two badest guardians in all the lands" Ray finished while he picked up Tuk Tuk and stood by the chief on the right side.

-"I'm glad you both feel prepared, because I have something important to tell you"

-"The other lands, they're on their way here, as we speak" his final words left us speechless, 'were we really prepared?' I asked myself while playing with my necklace.

-"They are? Uh...okay, no! We can do this! I'm ready, Y/n's ready! We've got this!" Ray hyped himself up, but even I knew that he doubted himself a bit, no matter how good he was.

-"I know exactly how well stop them"

-"Really? Tell me what you both know about the other lands" chief benja teased us unknowingly.

-"First...Tail, a sweltering desert with sneaky mercenaries who fight dirty" Ray warned.

-"Second, Talon. A floating market famous for fast deals, and fighters with even faster hands" I continued while stealing Tuk Tuk from Ray.

-"Third, Spine. A frigid bamboo forest guarded by exceptionally large warriors and their giant axes" Ray said and stole Tuk Tuk back leaving me pouting.

-"Fourth Fang, my personal favorite, our fiercest enemy, a nation protected by angry assassins and their even angrier cats" I finished off while jumping at Tuk Tuk making a hissing sound which caused him to roll up into his shell.


Early-ish chapter! I hope you enjoyed! I won't be able to post tomorrow, but I will on Saturday, maybe a little later cause I'm going out.

See you soon!


Raya and the Last Dragon (Male! Raya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now