Kumandra and Family

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I gasped for air, and smiled happily for the way things had worked out. I hugged Ray and he kissed my forehead, feeling happy at the raindrops that fell from the clouds.

-"It worked! It worked!" Boun yelled excitedly, and fell forwards causing us all to laugh.

The water had returned, and the Druun were gone, leaving peacefulness and full energy in me. From the waterfalls came the Dragons, the majestic creatures jumping on flying puddles, creating a circle. Amongst them Sisu's sibling were there, they looked different form the rest more majestic and glowing brighter than the rest.

The water had lifted and from it came a silhouette of a dragon. It was Sisu, rolled up into a ball in the middle of the water. She woke up and flew alongside her siblings, until all five came standing in front of us.

-"Ray, Y/n, these are my siblings, Jagan, Pengu, Amba and Pranee" she introduced and all five of them shapeshifted to human form.

-"It's nice to meet you" I smiled at them, and Ray nodded.

-"Y/n give them the gem!" I pulled the gem out of my pocket and placed it in Pengus' hands, who then passed it to Amba, then Jagan and finally Pranee.

They had all given me the same expression, wide-eyes and hugged me tightly. Although Paranee had been slightly different she caressed my face while tears rolled down her face. Her hair was different shades of purple and long, she wore a white dress with purple flowers embroidered all around the edges.

She took the gem once again, lifting it to the air and letting it shatter tiny pieces floated to everyone going each one of us flashbacks.

The flashback had shown me that this wasn't the second battle against the Druun, it was the third. The first battle was when we lost all but the main dragons, the second one took place after I was born and while the main dragons fought I was taken to Ray's dad and my parents had created a gem to alter everyone's memory. The gem was placed inside the other gem to protect it until it was time.

Another Dragon came down and shapeshifted into a tall man. His hair was blue and short, he wore black pants and a blue shirt. 

He hugged me tightly, whispering that he and my mom had missed me. I looked at him confused until I realized that Pranee was my mother and he was my father. I hugged them both and cried, happy to finally have a family of my own.

-"I'm glad you found the truth, little one" Ray's dad had come and clapped at our family gathering. 

He turned to Ray and hugged him, congratulating and saying how proud he was of him. With everyone reunited, the moment felt peaceful, a calm moment that we never wanted to let go of.

-The End-


Yay! Last chapter! 

I hope you enjoyed the story, the ending isn't that good but I'll come and fix it later on. As I mentioned yesterday the next story will be updated on Tuesday or Wednesday, so until then.


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