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-Two Years Have Gone By-

Kumandra had been restored and united after the Druun's attacks, dragons had made their way to join society as they once had, many years ago. And because Ray, Namai, Boun, Tong, Noi and Y/n had saved the world, people saw it fitting to have them rule as one. Ray and Y/n were given titles of emperor and empress, seeing as they were the ones to commence the process of saving and uniting Kumandra.

Tong was given the title of head of weaponry, a title that was perfect for him as it was something he could do while being with his family which he missed very much. Namai was seen fit to be in command of the army and protection matters, something he gladly took.

Boun and Noi were too small for larger jobs but were given special honors for their help, as well as a place in the palace grounds for them and their families. Noi was also adopted by Tong seeing as she was an orphan in need of a home.

-Present Day-


I closed my eyes and sighed, I found myself doing this often as the paperwork that sat on my desk seemed to grow larger rather than decrease. I'd rather deal with the Druun again then have to read over and sign my name for the millionth time today on these never ending papers.

-"Rice or stew?" I opened my eyes slowly to find Namai standing by the table.

-"Haha, very funny" I said, rubbing the tiredness from my eyes.

-"What are you doing here?" I asked, of course he came to visit from time to time, but it was usually not mid-day.

-"Can't I come and visit? You seem to get moodier each time I come" he chuckled and I gave him a look.

-"Well I'm pregnant, what do you expect?" he held his hands up in surrender.

-"Okay, you win," he laughed.

-"Ray wanted me to check on you, he's a bit busy but he'll be done soon"

-"Makes sense, tell him I'm alright, he's already sent three people over" I giggled.

-"He's just worried, he'll come over in a bit, he's wrapping up some meeting or something" Namai shrugged.

-"And you? Are you done with your duties?" my question seemed to catch him off guard but he composed himself, a smirk taking over his face.

-"No...but I'm not head monarch, so I can run away from that stuff" he chuckled.

-"Very lucky, I'm pregnant and even that does seem to excuse me from duties" I pointed over at the stack of papers and Namai cringed.

-"Well, better you than me" he shrugged and pulled out a chair to sit on.

-"How's the baby?"

-"Depends, this morning she was okay, right now she's feisty" I closed my eyes, feeling a kick.

-"Must be your presence, she wasn't like this a few minutes ago" I smirked.

-"Yeah, sure"

-"You craving anything?" he asked, almost looking like he was ready to run out of his chair if I said yes.

-"No, not at the moment" I took a paper from the stack and skimmed through it before signing it.

-"If it's a lot you can tell Ray, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to take work off of his wife" the word 'wife' reminded me of Ray and I's wedding after the coronation.

-"No, I'm doing it so I can help, I also don't want to be sitting around and doing nothing"

-"I'd be more than happy to tell Ray-" I was cut off from the door opening, Ray walking in, his bored expression changing to one of happiness.

-"Tell me what?" he asked, walking over to where I sat and hugging me around my shoulders.

-"That Namai wants to help take up some of the paperwork I've been doing" I grinned and Namai glared.

-"Really? I've been trying to take the load off of Y/n, but she's too stubborn to let me take it"

-"Yes, of course I'll help" a fake smile was plastered on Namai's face as he spoke, his words coming out of gritted teeth.

-"Perfect! Now I'm gonna steal Y/n for a bit, we'll see you at dinner?" Namai gave a nod and waved goodbye before leaving.


I hope you guys enjoyed it, I'm going to post the second one right after this.


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