Old Friend Reunions

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We turned around, and standing on the other side was Namaii, and some guards around him.

-"That's not a very nice way to describe an old friend" he stated while his serlot got down, staying close to the very edge that held the distance between us.

-"Namaii" Ray sneered.

-"What's drippin', dep la's"

-"Oh, I see you made another friend besides Y/n, and here I was worried you were gonna end up becoming a cat guy...like me" he said as he got down and petted his serlot, who roared/purred in response.

I felt my headache coming back slightly, I clutched my head and turned to Ray, who looked angry and annoyed, then to Sisu who clutched her head a bit too.

-"Stealing dragon gem pieces, are we...why?!"

-"What can I say, Y/n likes her bling, and I want to give it to her" Ray answered while I rolled my eyes annoyed by the headache and both boys fighting nonsense.

-"Hmm, I got to admit Ray, until a few months ago, I thought you were stone, but then, someone stole Fang's dragon scroll"

-"Oh, is that why you're chasing us? Here I thought it was because you missed me or Y/n" Ray retorted and threw the dragon scroll across, which Namaii caught on time.

-"For someone who loves her bling so much, I find it quite funny that she dropped her ring" Namaii laughed out and tossed something across, which I caught.

It was my ring, a ring that was special to me, because Ray had gifted it to me as a present a few years back on my birthday. It had the Heart crest pattern imprinted on it. I looked up at Namaii and mouthed a 'thank you' and sent a small smile, which he returned.

-"Are you really looking for Sisu? What are you 12?" Namaii asked laughing when he opened the scroll and found her drawing inside.

-"Yeah, I actually was looking for Sisu. Oh and guess what? I found her" Ray replied sarcastically and pulled Sisu closer to the front and she said 'hello'.

Sisu complimented his hair and the cat's fur color. Which must have not pleased him because Namaii ordered us to be taken. Ray hit the thin, long branch from earlier, causing it to break in half and letting a bunch of sand fall over Namaii and his guards. Ray grabbed Sisu from her waist and attached his sword to the ceiling and swung her across. He came back and mumbled a quick 'sorry' before he grabbed me from my waist pulling me closer and we swung across.

We ran but turned back to see Sisu walking on all fours, we pulled her onto two and ran across and through the beetle tunnels. Ray slid his hand across the beetle allowing them to fart, just in time to block Namaii from following us. We ran outside and hopped onto Tuk Tuk and rolled away.

We 'rolled' for a good while until Namaii and his cats caught up, and after a quick explanation of who Namaii was we made it to an edge, where on the left side a great river was found.

-"Wow, those cats are really fast, huh?" Sisu commented, which wasn't really helping our situation or my pounding headache, which seemed to be getting worse.

-"Hey Sisu, do you still have your headache?"

-"No! Why?"

-"Oh, umm no reason, you just seem very energetic and excited for a person that had a headache moments ago"

-"Just try to forget about it, it's the negativity anyway, at least mine is"

-"Oh, okay... wait what?"

-"Human negativity causes Dragons to weaken, while Dragons weaken Druun grow, it's how they spread, but being a stronger Dragon I don't weaken too much" Sisu said leaving me shocked, 'I didn't know that' I mumbled to myself.

-"Hey guys, what do cats and Druun have in common?" Ray asked with a big smirk plastered on his face, which caused me to fear my safety.

-"Umm...they have no souls?" Sisu answered.

-"And they both hate water," Ray said and turned Tuk Tuk slightly.


I finished! Yay! Yesterday after posting the new chapter I got to writing and finished the Alice in Wonderland! 

It will be posted right after this story, this one has around 10-11 chapters left. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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