Getting Caught

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I ran towards where I heard noise, and as expected Sisu and Ray were arguing and trying to block each other's way.

-"What...What are you doing?!"

-"I'm going to show you that you're wrong!"

-"How? By getting squashed by a bunch of Spine rage-heads!"

-"No, by proving to you that if you want to get someone's trust, you have to give a little first" Sisu finished and was about to grab the handle, when I noticed the trap.

-"SISU MOVE!" I ran, dropping the weapons I had and tried to push her out of the way but didn't make it in time, resulting in all three of us getting caught.

-"In hindsight maybe I was a little hasty, but, uh, who's hungry?" I gave Sisu a 'really' look, even though it was too dark for her to notice.

-"No? I'll leave you guys alone then" our silence must have been an enough answer.

After some time we were taken somewhere and the bag was taken off, revealing us tied up and hanging a few inches off the ground. I looked around and saw the arrows and bow I had on the table alongside Ray's sword. There wasn't much, only a fireplace a few plants and pots and a small side table with our weapons.

-"There's not much" I said blandly.

-"Hey Y/n, do you still have that ring I gave you?" Ray asked me.


-"Okay try to take it off and on the side there is a piece that slides out into a tiny blade, see if you can cut the rope" I nodded in agreement and tried taking it off, which was gonna take a while due to my hands being tied one over the other.

Half way through loud footsteps were heard outside, until they stopped. The door slammed open revealing a very tall and large man holding a sharp wooden axe.

-"You three must be dung of brain, to think you could steal Spine's dragon gem" he said, his voice was unnecessarily loud.

-"Gem? Who said anything about gem's? We have no interest in gems" Ray scoffed out sarcastically, only to let the Spine chief dump a bag upside down revealing the three gem pieces we had.

-"Okay, yeah, I can see how that makes me look like a liar"

-"Actually, I think it was the lying that made you look like a liar," Sisu admitted and the Spine chief laughed, moments after Sisu laughed too.

-"I'm not sure what's funny," she said, causing me to mentally facepalm.

-"Your fear is like delectable nectar feeding the tum-tum of my's good!" the chief said, getting really close to Ray's face.

-"It tastes," he said after sniffing the air.

Sisu and the chief talked about liking mangoes and then the chief talked about missing trembling enemies. Then he talked with Ray about what he was gonna do with us. Which seemed like nothing, because his stuttering kicked in and he sounded more and more clueless and hesitant by the minute. He talked about doing horrible things but didn't seem like he was gonna do any of that.

-"Hey, I don't know if you noticed or not, but none of us are trembling in fear" I scoffed, a bit annoyed and tired.

-"We would also love to leave, so we'll be on our way" I stated happily and the ropes that tied us fell, dropping Sisu to the floor, while Ray and I landed on our feet.

He was about to say something when he was knocked out of the way when the door smashed open, revealing our 'mighty heroes' Boun, the baby, the ongis, and Tuk Tuk. The ongis tied the chief while Tuk Tuk growled at him, alongside the baby.


I'm super sorry I didn't post yesterday! I had to go to my sister track meet race thingy and we stayed at my dad's house were I don't have my computer!

On another note, we have 5-6 chapters left on this story, so...yeah.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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