Traps and Bugs

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We rode on Tuk Tuk across the dry, sandy desert, while Ray talked or updated Sisu on the latest news.

-"Okay, so here the stitch" he began.

-"After the gem broke, each piece was taken by one of the chiefs of the five lands"

-"Fang, Heart, Spine, Talon and Tail" I mumbled to Sisu just in case she had forgotten.

-"And Tail, is where we are now" he finished, while Tuk Tuk stopped rolling and we got down.

-"First one, why am I wearing this?" Sisu questioned, but it seemed more like a complaint.

-"Well, we don't want to attract attention," Ray explained while putting his hat on Tuk Tuk.

-"Oh, you definitely chose the right hat for that!"

-"So, what makes you think the Tail chief's in here?"

Almost on cue, Sisu triggered a trip wire that caused a big, spiked pillar to fall over, almost crushing her if it wasn't for Ray tackling her to get her out of the way while I rushed under.

-"Does that answer your question?" I stated sarcastically, while helping Ray up.

After getting up and ready to go we noticed there were more trip wires and traps up ahead.

-"Race you to the other side!" I challenged Ray who just answered with a smirk.

We rushed Up, over, under, across, and flipped over landing in a...

-"We tied again!" I pouted, frustrated.

We waited for Sisu to get across, which didn't take long because she practically went through the ropes real quick. We walked slowly and attentively, well at least Ray and I. Sisu seemed to be looking around out of curiosity, not instinct.

-"OH NO!" Sisu gasped loudly, as quickly as she spoke Ray took out his sword and pushed me behind him.

-"WHAT! WHAT IS IT!" he asked and swung his sword around. I just walked next to him but he pulled me back.

-"We forgot to get a gift for the Tail chief!"

-"I'm sorry, a gift?"

-"Yeah! A gift that says, you can trust me, can I trust you"

-"Yeah...Sisu the world doesn't work like that anymore, but it would have been a nice sentiment" I explained and we all moved forward.

As we walked Sisu played with some little bug which we both didn't mind until realization hit us that it was a toot-n-boom so we rushed towards her and pulled her away just in time, before the beetle farted and exploded.

-"Are you okay?" Ray asked me while helping me from the hard ground we had just landed on.

-"I'm fine, I'm fine, surprisingly I have lots of energy today!" I exclaimed excitedly.

We turned to continue our path but saw that there was a very thin passageway with the two walls covered in the crawling beetles. Ray held my hand while I squeezed his in assurance. We walked through and Sisu followed close behind, probably not wanting to deal with the bugs once more.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Raya and the Last Dragon (Male! Raya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now