The Interview

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I was getting restless as interviewers came and went, each asking the same mundane questions as the last. All with limited knowledge as the film wasn't even out yet. However, Taron, true to his usual self, answered each with the same level of energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes adding in an extra anecdote of moments on set or his own personal life. Not many questions would be directed at me, unsurprisingly, and if they were it was just the standard: "what's it like on set" or "how did it feel when [blank]" or "how was it working with [blank]".

Obviously, I felt bad about feeling left out and like I was third wheeling most of the time, when this was HIS movie. But none the less it still stung, and Taron could clearly sense that. Occasionally, he would politely direct them to ask me about a question he had just been asked, or make me state my own narrative on whatever story he had been charming the interviewer with at the time. This kind of pattern went on for most of the day's interviews, and by the last lot the plastic chairs Taron and I had both been sitting on for the duration of the day, were starting to feel like torture devices.

So naturally when they announced that the next interviewer would also be the last I felt my spirits rise and let out a long-held sigh. I could see Taron was clearly feeling the same as he gave me a reassuring smile, and cleared his throat to speak, but was cut off as the last interviewer walked into the studio.

I stood up to great the last interviewer by hand, glad of the much-needed stretch for my aching legs. But as I glanced at the young woman who introduced herself as Stephanie I was suddenly taken aback. When I say she was stunning, she was STUNNING. Her light auburn hair sat in a perfect mess of curls on her pale, freckled shoulders, stopping just before her exposed collar bones. Her face was covered in freckles as well, and her emerald green eyes glistened when she greeted us both. Her warm confidence filled the room immediately as she sat down opposite me.

I looked over at Taron's face as it stretched into a huge smile, giggles cascading out of his mouth as he laughed at the joke she just made. Everything was telling me to like this woman but something in me made me dislike her immediately. It felt like... Jealousy? I pushed that thought away immediately as I tried to focus on what was being said by the pair. 

Taron was known for being a bit cheeky with the interviewers but for some reason he was being an outright flirt and it didn't go unnoticed. Stephanie's pale cheeks had started to match her knitted pink cardigan as she asked the same questions, we had already heard thousands of times, and ALL directed at Taron. However, this time all his answers were different, and he was 10x more engaged then in any of the others. It felt like they had completely forgotten I was there as more and more questions were being dished out and answered.

I cleared my throat a little causing both their heated faces to look at me and break out of their trance. Clearly remembering I was still there Taron sat back in his chair including me back into the interview, however he was still clearly captivated by Stephanie, as he couldn't take his eyes off her. Realising she hadn't asked me any questions yet, let alone acknowledge my existence, she started to question me, small questions at first, like all the previous interviewers, until she got to a question that made my blood run cold.

"So, Joan-" She stated full well knowing my name was Jane, "as we don't know much about you, considering this is your first movie, correct?" you nodded your head as a dread creeped up your spine  "why don't we skip the rest of the basics, and really try to understand you, shall we?" She questioned in such a patronisingly, sickly-sweet manner, that caused my heart to double its pace, in fear of what she was to say next, "Ah this is a good one" she acknowledged, a wicked smile forming at her mouth. "Who's your celebrity crush?". Such a simple question made my head spin, mouth go dry and hands go clammy. Sure, I had loads and I could say any one of them, but for some stupid reason, only one name could come to my head.


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