Endlessly Swirling Blue

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"My names Richard"

"I'm Ja-" I started, "Jane Jones" Richard smiled cockily, finishing my sentence, "I know who you are". Heat rose to my cheeks quicker then I could comprehend what this man just said. "Oh, uh, what?" I spluttered out, my mind racing at a hundred miles per hour. He knows who I am! "Sorry.. that sounded creepy" He apologised, rubbing the back of his neck, his accent a strong as the jaw I was now mesmerised by. "I just meant, I saw the interview you did with Taron" Richard chuckled out, looking down to the floor coyly. My face instantly dropped as panic flooded my veins. Shit. "Oh, yeah, I wasn't supposed to be there, just was filling in for..." My voice trailed of as his deep blue eyes met mine. He chuckled knowingly at my flustered and panicked expression as he cleared this throat, "Don't worry about the crush thing, if anything..." He continued, lowering his voice to almost a deep whisper, "I'm glad" Richard confessed, smiling crookedly, aware of the effect he was having on me, and unbreaking the intense eye contact he had just created. 

As I stared into his eyes I felt the calm and kind feelings the colour exuded. I could see how the blue relished in its green highlights, causing them to shimmer like the clearest, serene waters known to man. But as I stared deeper I was drawn to the more pulsing, radiant feelings of hunger and lust, hidden between the endlessly swirling blue, present in the magnifying black holes in place of his pupils. As hard as I tried to look away, something was holding my own eyes in place, maybe the alcohol or maybe something else. "Do you wanna get a drink?" I suggested, trying to sound confident and alluring whilst desperate to shake the invisible, electrifying pull I could feel towards Richard and abandoning all worries of the state of my dress. "I'd love to" replied Richard huskily, leaning in even further, smirking as he dragged his eyes down to my mouth and back up to my eyes, seemingly drinking in the pulsating electricity that was charging, rapidly between us. 

Arriving at the bar, we located two bar stools next to each other to sit on, before attempting - but failing - to get the bar tenders attention over the mass of intoxicated shrieks and the repetitive booming music. As Richard leaned slightly over me, to again try and get the attention of the bar tender, I was suddenly very aware of the contact between my bare leg and his own leg. Electricity seemed to spark between the contact, causing invisible sparks to prick at my legs. My mind was so focused on this sudden contact that I hadn't even noticed Richards face looming over mine till I looked back up and met his eyes. I wasn't sure if he had felt it as well, but the smirk he was pulling at my obviously flustered face said otherwise. "I said.." Shouted Richard over the increasingly loud music, leaning in to speak into my ear, changing his tone to an almost suggestive deeper one. "What do you want?".  

What do I want?  Those words pinballed around my head as my senses were exploded with the smells of a sharp cologne battling with the sweetness of tobacco, with the ever growing contact between our legs, with his lips hovering over my ear, causing the hairs on my tilted neck to stand on end and my breath to be caught in my throat. What do I want?  It didn't sound like he was asking for my drink, but if not that then what? What do I want? I don't know, my brain was buzzing at millions of miles per hour and the amount of booze still in my system was definitely not helping. What do I want? The room around me was spinning, the multicoloured strobe lights flashed and swirled around me like oil spilled in the rain. What do I want? Booming base music sent waves of punches to my brain. What do I want? Suddenly within all the chaos around me, I knew one thing. Looking up at Richards puzzled but intrigued face, it was finally my turn to smirk.

What do I want?  "To get out of here."

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