The Dress

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The next morning, I awoke to a beam of warm light blasting directly into my face. As I slowly but unwillingly opened my eyes more, I noticed the light was seeping through my blinds, that I had, stupidly, forgotten to close the night before. I groaned before rolling over to my other side to stop the assault on my eyes. Before jumping out of my skin as I came face to face with a not-so-asleep Alex. I yelped earning uncontrolled laughter from him. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I hissed, covering my face from the harsh morning light. "I've got it" Alex grinned, still giggling excitedly, crouched besides my bed with a piece of crumpled paper in his hand. "Alex..." I said sternly looking into his eyes with confusion, "Are you on something?" I questioned, internally laughing at this ridiculous morning wake up call. "No, I'm not!" Alex replied in a shocked tone, spreading his hand out onto his chest with a look of mock offence. "Okayyy, then what are you doing next to my bed at..." I chucked, glancing over to my bedside clock, "...9.30 in the morning!" I questioned surprised by how early it was, well for me. 

Alex rose from the floor, signalling for me to move up, and let him onto the bed as well, before heaving himself down and adjusting some pillows behind his neck for support. "The reason, my dear Jane, that I am here this fine morning, is to let you know I've found it!" Alex grinned down at me as if he were expecting me to know what the hell he was on about. Sensing my confusion, Alex confirmed "The dress! I've found THE dress!" he announced excitedly before showing me the crumpled piece of paper he'd been holding this whole time. 

My eyes widened, as I took the paper from Alex's hands to examine the picture properly. "Its perfect" I whispered, looking up at Alex as his smile only got wider with excitement. I scanned the completely black dress from the top to the bottom in awe. It was strapless with a piece of velvety fabric covering the chest area, bellow was a semi-see-through section from just under the chest and stopping to rest on the hips with a black tint and two thin sections of black detail on the front either side of the belly button. The skirt of the dress was the same black velvet used for the top and went all the way down to the ankles with a slit going up one of the legs. It was, as I said, perfect. 

"Where the hell did you find this?" I asked in disbelief, unable to take my eyes off the photo in front of me. "Lets just say, I've had that photo for a while now" Alex chuckled awkwardly. "What do you mean -" I questioned before looking up at his slightly red face, "Ohh..." I laughed loudly. "So, why have you chosen for me to wear this then Kelly?" I interrogated light heartedly, "I'm not going to be fulfilling any teenage fantasies anytime soon!" I mocked as Alex's face only grew redder. "Not for that reason! Just thought it would suit you is all" stated Alex defensively, "Yeah, yeah" I continued to mock.

Luckily the photo had been cut out of a magazine by Alex when he was younger so the brand and name were still attached. And after a short googling session we found the dress for sale. "300 quid!" I shouted out, feeling my spirits drop and smashing my head onto the back of the sofa both Alex and I had now migrated to. "Hey, that's alright though, didn't you get like 9 grand from the film?" questioned Alex, confused at my sudden solemnness. "Yeah, but that's gone!" I admitted desperately, flinging my arms into the air. "What do you mean, gone?" interrogated a shocked Alex. "I put it into my uni loan, and surprise, surprise, uni was EXPENSIVE!" I sighed, defeated. We both just sat there in silence, trying to think up a plan of what to do next. "I'm gonna have a shower and wash away my disappointment" I announced, trudging over to the bathroom.

After a pleasant shower, I felt my spirits rise a bit more. And once I had wrapped myself in my fuzzy towel, I walked back over to the sofa to check on Alex. But to my surprise, Alex had a grin on his face when he looked at me, as I watched his eyes quickly scan my body. "What do you want Al?" I questioned, crossing my arms, feeling a little exposed. "Nothing... just, you'll look beautiful in that dress." He stated nonchalantly continuing to dreamily, grin up at me. "Alex, I can't get it, its to much, remember" I recalled my mood instantly deflating again. "Right, yeah" replied Alex casually, standing up from the sofa and stretching his long limbs. "Hey, let's go out tonight" Alex announced, walking over to me. "Sure, where?" I agreed, desperate for a night out as I hadn't had one in FOREVER. "How about The Swan?" Asked Alex, referring to our favourite bar, that we spent A LOT of our university life getting absolutely hammered in. "Yeah sounds great" I smiled, leaning into him as he gave me a comforting hug. Before we both carried on with our day. Excited from the promise of a night out.


Again sorry for the lack of Taron, but trust me, it'll be worth the wait ;)

Also here's the dress x

Also here's the dress x

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