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"Well?" Stephanie asked again, snapping me out of my panic induced trance. Her burning green eyes stared into my soul, taunting me, as if she knew the answer already. I glanced over at Taron whose kind eyes were fixed on mine, intently listening to what I would say next. "I.. um... well.." I stuttered out, looking down to the floor with a heated face, desperately trying to think of someone, anyone besides the man sitting only centimetres away from me. "Well... I guess it has to be Richard Madden right?" I laughed out awkwardly, thanking myself mentally for thinking up an answer that wouldn't mess up my newly forming social life just yet. Right?

"Ah yes, good answer, wouldn't you agree Taron?" Stephanie replied with that sickly sweet smile again. I looked over at Taron who was now slumped back in his chair, arms folded with the muscles in his jaw clenched. He looked at Stephanie with an over-enthusiastic smile "Yeah, he is a very handsome man" he retorted, but as he looked over to me his dark eyes were telling a very different story.

The rest of the interview flew by as I was once again pushed into the background, but this time it was due to Stephanie's failing attempts to try and get the same enthusiasm she had from Taron earlier, as his answers fell back into the same monotonous rhythm as they had been for all the other interviews. I would occasionally try and check if he was okay through concerned facial expressions, but I would just be met with an unconvincing smile in return. I figured that the exhaustion of the day must've been catching up on him as it was to me and decided to not think much more on his sudden change in mood. 

Just as I had started to mentally drift off to sleep, Stephanie thanked us for our time, or more likely Taron for his time, and left the room almost unwillingly, along with the camera crew who were finished for the day. Leaving just me and Taron alone again. "Long day, huh?" I stated looking over to Taron as he stared off into the distance, trying to break the awkward silence that surrounded us. "Sorry?" Taron replied turning his head towards me, again giving me and unconvincing smile. "I just said, its been a longgg day" I exaggerated, moving my head round for emphasis, desperate to lift up the mood of our very short conversation. It seemed to work as Taron chuckled out "Tell me about it, this is my third this week!", I laughed back "but its only wednesday!", "I know!" he laughed out as well, raising his arms in mock frustration. Our laughs were tired but easy and felt just so, natural. Taron opened his mouth to speak again but we were both abruptly interrupted by Lindsey as she let us both know we were finished for the day. 

We both stood up clearly aching from the cheap plastic chairs it felt like we had morphed with. Standing next to Taron I realised we were both roughly the same height as I quickly admired his appearance. He was wearing a long sleeved black shirt that clung around his arms tightly, along with a pair of plain black denim trousers and a black blazer with white details on it. He. Looked. Fit. I looked away quickly before anyone could notice my staring and picked up my canvas shoulder bag before turning to face Taron and Lindsey who were deep in conversation, clearly about his many more interviews and press things, that I was glad I wouldn't have to do. "Well, Jane, you can rest up now till the Premier, thanks for coming today on such short notice as well, hope it wasn't all a bore" Lindsey laughed as she turned the conversation to me, "No worries, glad I could help" I replied with a genuine smile, putting my bag on my shoulder. I looked over at Taron who was also smiling back at me and I couldn't help but blush a little and look down at the sight of him this close to me. "Well, I should leave you two to chat, I guess I'll see you both in a months time then!" I remarked excitedly - as this would be my first premier after all, even if I was such a small role. "Yes I guess we will" Lindsey replied with a smile. Taron just nodded in response "It was nice to finally meet you Jane" he smiled, causing my pace quickened. "You too" I answered honestly with another genuine smile, before thanking Lindsey and turning to leave. 

I started to walk toward the lift I had come up in and clicked the button, turning around just as I stepped into the lift. I could see Taron and Lindsey from across the room, Lindsey clearly informing Taron of all he needed to do from now till the Premier. But as I looked over at Taron I noticed his eyes were fixed on mine with a playful smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. And just as the lift doors were starting to close I could've sworn I saw him wink.

These next few months are going to be long.

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