Spy Movies

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Two weeks later

"What about this one?" asked Alex, pointing to the most ugliest dress I had ever seen on his laptop. "Are you serious?!" I laughed back, pushing him on the shoulder gently, but still hard enough to cause him to roll over onto his side and land on my green plush carpet with giggles cascading out of his mouth.

Alex and I have been friends for as long as I can remember and he's been with me through all my ups and downs. Like the time I found out my ex boyfriend was cheating on me, or when I got the email back from my audition informing me I had got the role. Either way he has always been someone I can rely on. And yes I did fancy him back when we were in sixth form together, he was taller than me, scruffy dark haired, ridiculous smile, Irish - which was a big selling point - and was studying drama with me. I mean EVERYONE fancied him. But one drunken night, after I had nicked a bottle of my mums wine and taken it to my room with me, I decided to just go for it. And I kissed him. He kissed me back. Then we both burst out in hysterics realising how wrong it felt. Since then we only got closer, deciding to move into a small, two bedroom flat together in Penge after our first years of uni. That's why I decided to take him as my "date" to the premier and was now trying, but failing, to pick out a dress with him. 

"If you push me over one more time I swear I'll..." He laughed, pushing himself back off the floor and readjusting the laptop on his lap. "You'll what?" I mocked, an uncontrollable smile plastered onto my face. "I'll drink the rest of the wine!" He shouted, standing up abruptly and grabbing the bottle that was sat between us before starting to chug it. "Oi! I paid for that!" I laughed also standing up next to him and trying to grab it back. "Try. Me. Jones!" He stated in-between gulps. "I will Kelly!" I chuckled back at the mention of our surnames, before grabbing the bottle off him and finishing it off myself. 

I sat back down onto my bed, with my laptop placed next to me whilst Alex returned to the floor beside his own laptop. Both of us attempting to get our breath back from our laughing fit and drink chugging. "Right" I announced slapping both my knees,  "I do really need to find a dress bearing in mind the premier is next week!" I stated, suddenly quite anxious about the urgency. "Okayy, but what exactly are you looking for though?" Alex questioned looking up at me. The truth is, I had no idea what to wear and that had been eating away at me for some time. For some reason I wanted to look hot, I guessed it was just because this was my first premier but I wasn't sure. "Oh god, I don't know!" I cried out, slamming my face into my pillow. "Look" Alex stated reassuringly, moving over to sit on the bed besides me, placing his hand on my back, "We'll find something, you know that, I mean even if you wore a potato sack you'd still look fit, you know" He chuckled, as I slowly sat back up leaning into his torso as I heard the rhythm of his heart calm me. "I know we will" I breathed out, "I'm just so fucking nervous" I confessed into his shirt. "I mean you have every right to be" he confirmed, "It's your first bloody premier and I'm so proud of you, alright?" He spoke into my hair, his lazy Irish accent vibrating through my skull. "God, I love you Alex" I muttered, looking up at him with a thanking smile. "I love you too chick" he replied back poking the end of my nose with a warming grin. 

We decided that, before we drove ourselves insane staring at dresses, to go and watch a movie in our shared, cramped but homey, excuse for a living room. We squeezed onto our small blue sofa, adorned in blankets and warm cups of mint tea in our hands and started flicking through Netflix for something to watch.


"There's nothing to watch!" I exclaimed throwing my arms in the air dramatically, letting the remote from my hand drop onto the sofa. Alex just chuckled at my remark, noticing the effect of the wine on me, and picked up the remote to carry on looking through Netflix's millions of movies. "You're well indecisive today aren't ya" Alex laughed as he too felt the wines effect and continued to scroll. "Alex, you decide for once then, what mood you in?" I asked, fed up with all this decision making I was expected to do today. "You know what, I'm in the mood for a good spy movie" Alex stated in a mock serious tone causing us both to burst into a slightly slurry laughter.

"But we've watched ALL the spy movies!" I wined, smashing my head into his torso, recalling Alex's love for a good spy movie - as he calls them - and the many he's made me sit through on evenings not dissimilar to this one. "Yeah, but you know something?" He asked looking down at me with a very clearly drunk, wobblily grin. "What?" I replied looking up at him through my blurring vision and letting my head lull back. "I've never watched Kings Man!" He exclaimed, pointing to the first Kings Man movie he had set up on screen. "What!" I repeated this time in astonishment, causing me to sit up and properly face him, "How have I never shown you Kings Man?!" I shouted out with a drunken, drawn out, emphasis on the 'you' whilst also pointing into his chest. "I don't know!" He chucked back, grabbing my finger which was jabbing into his chest and pretending to try and bite it. "Right." I stated, after claiming my finger back, "That's settled then, we will watch all the Kings Men!" I exclaimed in a slurred manor, before leaning into Alex and tucking my feet under my body and blanket for warmth, as Alex started the movie.


"Well, those were some spy movies" Alex yawned, resting his head on top of mine. "Yep" I mumbled half asleep due to the heat formed by our two bodies. "I think we should get you to bed" Chucked Alex, as he stroked my shoulder soothingly. "Or we could just stay here" I mumbled into his shirt again, not wanting to move from the warmth we had created, as I looked up into Alex's sleepy eyes. His face was glowing blue as the only source of light illuminating around our flat was coming for the TV, highlighting his sharp features but soft nose and eyes. He tucked a stand of hair behind my ear, and looked as if he was about to say something but decided against it, opting to just smile lazily at me instead. "What?" I laughed sleepily, as I continued to stare into his deep brown eyes. "Nothing, don't worry" he smiled again before sharply sitting up causing me to fall onto the back of the sofa as I had just been resting on his torso, "Let's go to bed, you'll regret it in the morning" he stated sleepily but still authoritatively. I sighed dramatically, but sat up as well, feeling the nights damp cold seeping into my old space on the couch, "Fine" I replied, giving in. Alex just smiled back offering me a hand up and I took it willingly as we said our goodnights and both stumbled blindly, in the dark of our flat, to our separate rooms.


Sorry for the lack of Taron in this chapter but don't worry there'll be much more of him soon ;) x

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