Seductive Glow of a Flame

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"To get out of here."

My shoulders relaxed as the beads of sweat covering my body turned into refreshing cold windcatchers as I stepped out from the pulsating, deafening club onto the silent misty paves of the side walk. Shivers wrapped themselves around my spine as Richard's torso pressed on my back as we moved out of the door way and further down the crumbly brick wall, careful not to step in any vomit or piss or whatever other bodily fluids you'd expect or not expect to find outside a club. Pulling out a half used box of fags from his jacket pocket, Richard placed one between his lips before offering the box to me. We both seemed to be transfixed on the white sticks between each of our lips before the click and rasp of the lighter's flame brought us both out of our trances. Though not for long as the seductive glow of the flame igniting the end of his cig then mine, contrasting against the cool mistiness of the dark night sky and the enchanting pull of his blue eyes, torched the frantic butterflies already prancing around my stomach. I looked away as I took a puff on the cig, letting the smoke ease its way into my lungs before letting out a smoky sigh of content into the hazy star spangled sky.

"God you're beautiful" breathed out Richard almost painfully. My eyes darted back to his causing my heart to still inside my ribcage as I looked into the same eyes I felt I was looking out of. I never felt like I wanted anything more as the tension between us became to painful to take. Taking a step towards Richard so that now both our hips were only inches away, instinctively my palm rested on his slightly stubbled cheek. His eyes looked into mine with a sense of lust and urgency as he traced my bottom lip with his thumb as if letting himself know the feeling he'd soon be experiencing whist savouring this pull of this charged torture between us. His thumb then joined the rest of his hand to caress my cheek before slowly leaning in, fanning my face with tobacco from the cigarettes we were still instinctively clutching in our free hands but would be forgotten about within a moment once this bubble of tension was popped. Suddenly a sharp, bletch followed by a loud, painful splatter caused us both to dart away from its source as it ricochet onto the pavement below.

"Alex?!" I worriedly questioned as I rushed to the heaving mans side before clutching his brown sweaty hair out of his face. "Shit" I cursed as I looked down onto the mess of my friend as he continued to expel his dinner all onto the piss stained brick wall and pavement. Looking back up to Richard I could see confusion and a hint of annoyance flash across his eyes as he helped my prop the now no longer vomiting mess up against the dusty brick wall.

"Shit I'm so sorry, this is my mate Alex, seriously I leave him for like 5 minutes and this is how he ends up..." I trailed off clearly very frustrated from the unfortunate turn of events. Until I felt a hand slowly stroke my shoulder as I turned to face its owner again.

"It's okay lass, sometimes waiting for something you want can make it all the more exciting when you get it" Richard cooed in his ever seductive accent, moving his hand slowly down to my silk covered waist before slowly pulling me into him before whispering into my ear, "It's probably a good thing we were interrupted because I'd have to have you right here with the way you look tonight".

My cheeks, heart, stomach and the spots of my waist where his fingers were delicately pushing into all burned with absolute desire that all coldness from the nights sky evaporated before it could even grace my skin with its presence. I struggled not to let out a sigh as he carefully placed a slow and deliberate kiss onto my cheekbone before moving away to assess Alex, leaving me dumbfounded before I snapped back into the reality I was now facing. Patting Alex's pockets down for my phone (as my dress didn't have any pockets) I gave Richard the phone and asked him to ring the cheapest cab agency he could find before rushing back into the club to get some water to give to Alex. Gazing out onto Richard's now cool but dishevelled appearance, as Alex cautiously sipped the water besides me, I was starting to really think about what he had told me earlier, did he really mean he wanted to see me again and well, actually finish what we started? That idea caused my cheeks to burn red as I bit down on my growing grin and looked back up to Richard as he smirked knowingly at my thoughts. 

Our gaze was broken as my cab screeched to a stop behind Richard, who helped me carry the staggering and very apologetic Alex into one of the back seats before going round to the other door for me to get in. I leaned against the open door way as Richard loomed over me with sadness pooling in his eyes.

"Goodbye I guess" I chocked out, hoping this wouldn't be the last time I saw him. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear Richard as if reading my thoughts replied "Till next time" before moving back and shutting the door once I had settled down. 

As the cab pulled out I watched as his figure got smaller and smaller before he was gone. Feeling a wave of sadness pull on my heart I leaned my head onto the cold glass of the window as I watched the first beams of rain race down and streetlamps blur past. I turned over towards Alex to find him already staring back at me, a lopsided grin plastered on his dishevelled, albeit beautiful face, as streaks of light washed across him. 

"Jane" he almost whispered not breaking his eye contact, "Thank you" he said earnestly taking one of my hands into his and giving it a small deliberate kiss. 

"Its alright" I replied back sending him a little smile as I turned my head back out to the window, leaving my hand in his, a little bit shocked at his choice of action and his sudden alluring appearance.

"Jane" he repeated again in the same whisper he used before.

"Seriously its fine" I replied back looking into his worried eyes, clearly worried that I might be upset with him as if he hasn't done the same for me on numerous occasions.

"No Jane I'm trying to tell you, I think I'm in love with you"

My eyes shot open wide as my heart began beating way to many miles per hour, but before I could say anything in response, Alex's quiet snores filled the taxi. Putting my face into my hands I let out a groan before a second noise filled the rumbling silence, my phone.

"Thanks for tonight, get home safe x" - Richard, I read the text as I realised he must've put himself in my contacts when I gave him my phone.

Letting my head fall back onto the leather padding of the headrest in a frustrated confusion. I closed my eyes as three faces invaded my thoughts.

What is happening?!


Hey guys, sorry its been so long! I wanna say I'm back but who knows, I am also currently working on another story besides this one so I will probably alternate between the two. I hope you're enjoying this so far though and I promise, I know I keep saying this, but Taron will be back but meanwhile I hope you're enjoying this little love triangle because I promise its only going to get more hectic from here on out. ;) x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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