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I have known for a long time that I liked Taron, even before I had started filming with him, I mean it was really Rocket Man that took the cake for me. In fact, that was just the added bonus. But those feelings only got stronger and stronger as I worked with him. I mean, I was never actually in any scenes with him. But just watching the passion, he had for his work and the way he would always send me friendly, toothy smiles, whenever I would walk past him just captivated me. That's why, when Lindsey, my assistant, announced the night before via email, that Taron would be doing interviews the next day, and as his co-star was ill, I'd be filling in for her. I practically had to run from my computer and scream into the pillows of my bed, just to process all the feelings that were flying round my brain.

I had been so excited and stressed that night, that by the time I manged to fall asleep, I slept right through the first six alarms that I had set. Just so I wouldn't be late, how ironic. So, after having the most intense transformation into a presentable human being - especially considering this would be the first time Taron saw me not just in some random costume - I raced to the venue. Once I had arrived at the studio the interviews were being held at, I got into the first lift I could find and clicked the button for the 13th floor. Glad of this short pause as it gave me time to catch my breath. Glancing over at the lifts mirror, I attempted to fix my dishevelled looking appearance and admire the outfit I had chosen to wear today. I was wearing a small shoulder bag which rested on my absolute favourite pair of denim jeans, accompanied with a graphic, slightly cropped t-shirt, as it was one of Britain's more pleasant days in the middle of spring, and a pair of battered looking boots. Mostly because of the little time I had this morning, I let my hair fall loosely just above my shoulders and had covered myself in accessories, making up for my lack of more expressing makeup as I had only covered some blemishes and popped on a bit of mascara, before rushing out my flat. Overall, though, I thought I had done a good job and just as I reached to take my phone out my bag and check the time, the lift dinged signalling that I had arrived at my floor.

The interviews had to start straight away to get through all of the many people desperate to question us both, leaving us without any, of my much wanted time to talk to Taron, as he was already sat down chatting to Lindsey, who also happened to be his assistant. In fact, I hadn't actually spoken to Taron properly the whole six months we were filming, as I wasn't there as long, playing just a small role in the film and had just never found the right opportunity.

That's why my answer to Stephanie's question was not going to be easy.

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