Ice Ice Baby

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A mass of bodies and lights danced across the room as my heart pulsated to the beat of the repetitive disco rhythms. I stumbled my way to the bar with Alex hot on my heals, gripping onto a bar stool to steady myself as I sat down. Vivid colours span around my head as I regained focus and attempted to slow down the whirring of my brain.  Our idea of one drink at the pub, became two, then three, then four shots each before we - almost in a trance - ended up here, in Bang Bang night club. Weird name, I know, but this is where most of our nights out end up and for that reason alone, we love it here. 

"Wada you want?" Slurred Alex loudly into my ear, invading my nostrils with a mix of beer, ash and something sweet whist flinging his arm haphazardly to point at the barman waiting impatiently for our order. "Vodka and coke, please my love" I muttered resting my buzzing head onto his shoulder as he held up two fingers to the barman and shouting "Vodka and coke!". I just laughed drowsily at his drunken antics before we both took our drinks and headed to the closest, empty booth in the corner of the room. 

My second favourite part of the dance floor here - besides actually being on it - is how I'm able to watch all the people, each with their own lives, problems and interests, and how all that washes away, the moment they step into the many strobing, psychedelic lights and let the music take them hostage for the night. I stared out into the crowd of moving bodies smiling at all of their happiness, zoning out on whatever Alex was drunkenly theorising about now. Just as I was taking a final sip on my drink, I felt a pair of eyes on me somewhere from behind the dance floor. 

My eyes darted past all the people trying to spot my stalker as I lifted my glass to my mouth to sip on any of its remnants. But as my eyes were fixed on my surroundings instead of my drink, the ice that had been so perfectly balanced at the bottom of my glass as I lifted it, decided that it would fall all at once and punch me in the nose, before falling down onto my short black slip dress. "Shit!" I cried out, literally knocked out of my trance, as I grabbed the melting ice cubes from my lap and shoved them frantically back into their glass, any feeling of being watched forgotten immediately. Alex just burst into hysteric laughter, swinging his head back and forth, unable to control himself from how 'funny' this situation was.  

"Thanks for your help Alex" I stated sarcastically as I assessed how wet my dress had gotten, and it was indeed soaked. "No problem love" Alex laughed goofily back with a large smile plastered onto his face also finishing off his drink and passing me the napkin that it had been placed on. "Shall I get another round then?" Asked Alex stumbling to stand up as I tried but failed to dry my dress with the napkin he had given to me. "Yeah, alright, I'm just gonna head to the bathroom real quick" I replied also stumbling whilst standing up and working my way to the bathroom.

Weaving in and out of the crowds flailing, intoxicated bodies, I stumbled my way to the bathroom desperate to dry my dress as I wasn't sure how vodka would affect silk and I loved this dress. However, I was so caught up in my attempts to not trip over everyone's feet that I hadn't even seen the man standing in front of me until it was to late. "Omg I'm so sorry" I cried out as walked head first into the man, causing him to stumble back a bit. "No its my fault honestly" urged the stranger in a smooth, sensual accent that I couldn't quite place, whist regaining his balance. 

My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and drunken lust, as I lifted my head up so that I could see whoever this alluring man was. As I took in his face, my tongue felt as if it had got suck in my throat as my eyes widened in disbelief. A pair of warm blue eyes looked back at me as my own darted around his face, taking in all his features in a moment of a second, from his sharply defined jawline, to his singular streak of grey in his hair, to - what my eyes lingered on the most - his mesmerising pouty lips. "Are you ok?" chuckled the man knowingly, as a smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth.

"Um, yeah, I'm, good" I stuttered out, my hazy eyes continuing to try and make sense of this man in front of me. "I was watching you, you know" He drawled back, smirking even more. "That ice just couldn't stay away from you" He chuckled, my eyes widened as I realised he was the stalker I felt watching me earlier. He continued deepening his voice "Funny, I couldn't stay away from you either". My brain launched into a full blown panic mode and my drunken lustfulness screamed at me. "Oh yeah, I got soaked" I forcefully laughed back, indicating to my sodden dress, desperately trying to supress the fire that ignited in my heart, and break the intensifying eye contact. "Yeah you look it" He replied back deeply, not looking at my dress and licking his lips. "Sorry I haven't introduced myself" He remarked, clearing his throat and regaining his posture whist smirking, aware of his torture. 

"My names Richard".

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