Chapter ThirtyNine

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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting a tomato in a fruit salad.
Sometimes... Just when you think everything is going to be alright. Life comes and crashes it. Just takes over and thinks it knows what it's doing. So I'm not a real water. Though no one knows that... No one. Not even the water that is pure. Just me and my family. I'm not even upset or hurt anymore. No. I'm tired. I'm tried of this roller coaster I have been. And the fun I have missed. I'm tired of what if going on and what will happen. I'm tired in believing in things I tell myself. Or things people tell me. Or the fact that my heart plays with me while my mind is somewhere else. I'm tired of things knocking my way. Tired of people in front of me. I'm tired...

Tired of getting my hopes up then being disappointed again.

I sometimes wonder when this will be over. Maybe ten years. Or less. Maybe now if I actually saw what could happen. I sometimes think what my future will look like. Who do I spend it with. But then I wonder again... Will I even make it to tomorrow? No one likes a water. Fires hates waters. Natures are okay with waters. Airs are fine with waters... As long as you don't take what they want. I left my parents. They told me to act normal. I did not. I maybe stormed back in side and caught the attention of every living soul in the room. My parents don't follow. They make it seem like I'm pissed at something else. That both of us are mad. And they probably are now. "Skylar!" I hear my name being called. But I ignore it. Every voice that talks to me... Is now being ignored. The air around me even feels mad. If that's possible.

I walk outside where it's empty. Near the river where no one but a water would bother walking there. "Are you okay?" Rico says. It catches my surprise. "Where's your family." I mumble.

"They left." He says sitting down next to me. He places his feet in the running water. He doesn't flinch when the water hits him. Neither do I. "It's only been thirty minuets."

"They never liked my element." He whispers so I don't hear it. I small chuckle leaves my mouth. "It can't be worse then m-" I hold my mouth. By telling him it couldn't be worse he will probably notice that I'm not a nature like I told him. And coming to think of it keeping this a secret is never going to be easy. I don't talk much but when I do I seem to let out everything.

"Then what?" He fearfully questions.

"My parents weren't satisfied with mine. They said 'it's fake. That I possibly couldn't be a nature'" I lied. But it was a lie that told some truth. They didn't like the fact that I was a water. A water that wasn't pure. Don't do something stupid they told me. Basically saying: I have a feeling you'll get drunk and tell everyone... Don't do that.

But I don't drink.

"What do you have?" He asks. "Didn't I already tell you." I say looking at him. My feet now wet and cold. They sting with the water hitting them. Almost like rocks. My fingers run along the water. "Short term memory loss." He chuckles.

"Funny." I say then add:"nature."

"Oh yes." Remembering the time we met. This is probably the second time we have talked and already... Quickly we talk like we've known each other for a while. A connection that rings whenever I'm near him. Like now. And the time we met. A weird pinch kills me in the area of my raindrop. And when I look over him I see him move the shoulder constantly. "And you?"

"If I told you I would have to kill you." He now says in a low voice.

"Well then. Don't tell me. I usually picture my death with a sarcastic ending not someone killing me for knowing there mark." I say looking at my feet going against the current of the river. "Do you usually come here?" He asks.

"When ever I'm frustrated. It helps." I smile. Then frown. I have said to much.

"I have to go Rico. Cindy might get worried." I say getting up putting my wet feet in my dry shoes. Such a disgusting feeling... It matches my mood.

"If you need me, I'll be here." He says with a smile. I whisper a thank-you before I leave.

Something tells me that I will need him.

How is it that one careless match causes a Forrest fire. But a campfire takes the entire box?

Why is when i try to do something so simple it turns out to be a catastrophe?

No doubt did I know that Asher was ignoring me. At least it seemed like he was ignoring me. When I went to history class. He didn't sit behind me. Next to me. Or in front of me. He sat all the way across the class. At first I'm the beginning of the year Asher sitting across the class would have been a miracle. Now... I seem to hide my hurt feeling. The class seemed weird with out me bothered. And every time I want to turn my head to see what he's doing, if he's laughing or smiling I can't brings self to do it. What if he catches me? Or worse... What if I catch him looking at me.

I went to English class. He wasn't even there and when I walked with Cameron t the library I found him sucking faces with someone else. For some reason Cameron noticed my reaction and wrapped me in one of his arms as we continue walking as if I never saw anything. I knew at the library he wanted to bring it up. But I'm glad he kept it to himself. Other wise I don't think I would be holding my shit together.

In science class he wasn't paying attention to the biology lesson. Instead he was to busy with his chemistry. And in math he finally say next to me. Hut I didn't talk to him. Nope. I didn't even look at him. Smile when he talked. Laughed when he talked. I was a robot with no emotion. And I began to notice... Maybe I'm left better without him. Maybe it's better if I keep the image of not wanting him. That he's a bad influence. A player. He's dangerous. Not for me.

But no nightmare has led me to the one Cindy spilt on me during lunch. Apparently I am not going out with someone I wished to never even be with. "Skylar." Kyle says bringing himself next to me making Cindy stop talking. I look at Kyle with a grin on my face. Which now I wish I never ever did. "I seems to have grown a feeling. Some pt hung hard to... Replace or remove... Something about you," he says still looking at me. I take a whiff of my water now thinking that the water is toxic.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. My water wouldn't go down my through. And when it does it's like it turned into flames. No! I wanted to scream. But behind Kyle's head was Asher laughing with a year seven or three... But when I look closer it's the girls that I never liked. At least one of the two girls. The one that cut her with the knife and gave her that bruise. The one that have me a scar that still won't leave.

I smile lights up my face. "Yes." I whisper. Cindy pushes me causing me to fall and wrap myself I'm his arms. What a cliche... I wanted to hurt her. The problem is I only said yes because I want to get Asher mad. What better way to do that is to date is best friend. Maybe... Let him see us kissing. Now, I find myself eager to see the reaction of Asher's face.

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