Chapter Eight

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It's 12:00. It's been 4 hours since Cindy left. Now I'm just bored. I have been sleeping but then I wake up when my side would ache. So I would just sit down and look into the darkness. I want to leave...

I grab my phone. Which I haven't touched the entire week. They told us they were getting us new phones and that we had to discard our old ones. I would keep it but pretend I lost it or broke my old one. Therefore I still have a memory of my old times. They went through our dorms making sure there were no pictures of the ordinary life. Cindy helped me hide mine. Which was in the ceiling. Now it's impossible to get up there because they took the ladder and hid it. All I know it's just there.

The door knocks and I suppose it was Cindy. I open the door without looking. It's too dark to look. "I thought you're staying with Damon. And you have the keys." I say.

"Do I?" A male voice say. I quickly open my eyes. All I see is a dark silhouette. I try reaching for the lights realizing it would make a difference. It'll only show me. They should have stronger lights at the door. Not all the way inside. A hand grabs my arm before I flick on the lights. "P...please don't touch me." I'm dragged back inside. I still don't know who you are. I try pulling my arms out of his hands. I scream but a hand cups my mouth. "Don't bother. No ones going to here you Skylar." The voice is sweet. The smell of cologne with a bit of burnt wood or smoke.

I move myself to the lights as I flick on the lights. I see the hands that hold me but not the face. Then it hits me... Shit I'm not wearing something that covers my collar. Surprisingly this shirt is a bit low. It shows part of my mark. Just the top of the rain drop. There hand is still on my mouth. My poor bruise. The other hand last go of my arm and moves to my waist. My eyes widen. I let a small muffled scream. My poor side. It aches. My heart races. Calm down. Calm down. I try to get loose but this person is strong. At least let me know who you are!

He's a fire. I'm sure. The burning smell is too strong for anyone. Now I want to faint. What if it's the boyfriend of one of the girls. His chin lies on my shoulder. I try getting a side view. But all I get is dark brown hair. It's quiet. I would suspect he left if his arms weren't around me. I'm uncomfortable. I move my hand to the hand that's on my waist. I try pulling it away from me. Even by using both hands. I feel his breathe on my neck as he tightens his grip around me. Someone help. A tear falls down my cheek. The pain.

"Cherry blossom... Smells good on you." He whispers. I bite his hand making him move back. Giving me the opportunity to kick him in the leg and I take it. "Don't touch me." I say. When I turn around I meet Asher. No. I'm trying to get away from you... But you keep coming closer.

I bring my hands into a fist as I try to throw him a punch. "What happened?" He asks talking about my scratches. Obviously since my collar is low he could see all of them. "What do you want." Taking my hand out of his hand.

"Was looking for you. I asked your boyfriend he said you didn't want to come. Since you're a Nature. I decided to greet you the way natures wish to be greeted by a guy." He says. Sitting in my bed. Don't make yourself comfortable get out...

"I don't have a boyfriend." I say. Wondering who he referred to. "You and what's his came. Connor-"


"Yeah him. You don't have any connection do you?" He asks finally meeting my eyes.

I wanted to say yes to see his reaction but instead I stick to basic. I've lied enough today. "No."

"Ok good." He smirks.

"Why is that good?" I dare to ask.

"He's with other girl. Didn't know if he's cheating on you." He says. "What happened?" He asks again.

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