Chapter ThirtyTwo

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The rarest element is water. Though on Earth it is the most valued and most important. Composed of both Hydrogen and Oxygen... Scientifically. But in the elemental world, there is no scientifically making a water. Not with hydrogen and oxygen. I would love to know who was the last water element, of course he possibly could be dead considering not everyone lives up to 100. But possibly, elements do. I want to know if he ever been caught. Died by someone killing him or he actually survived. I wonder if he had fires as friends or possibly more. Or maybe another Element that hated him. I wonder what they did when someone asked for a mark. Maybe got a tattoo that would hide is mark? Cindy plans on getting ink. I don't. She said she wanted to make her leaf look bolder. I didn't want to make my rain drop look bold. Neither did I want to cover it up with some other decoration.

Waters think a lot. There usually the ones who discover things. Ask things. My science teacher, Mr. Andrew says that it's possible for even Einstein or Tomas Edison to be waters. Though none of them really went to the Element area. If they did we would have more records of them. Rather than giving them to the ordinary. They are also described to be beautiful inside and out. But, I don't see it in me. Yes I do have confidence in my looks. But not a lot. I never really do pay attention to them and if I do I end up looking like a clown. My insides could be beautiful... If I new what they meant by beauty in the inside.

Of course Airs have light blue eyes, light green and purple eyes. They are the ones with the variety of the eyes. Since there are so many of them. But water have the darkest and shadiest of the blues. It's like the dark side of the ocean. Something lurking deep within. There always calm and sweet talkers. Always wanting peace and won't fight. There light hair giving them the light look.

Fires eyes seem to amuse me as well. At least Asher's. They all seem brown. Some are shades of brown going from light to dark. Others like Asher's, have a hint of gold in there eyes that would always shine in the light. Then there is the type that have brownish red eyes. Which do look nice, but very unusual. Those would hate to be ordinary. Fires seem to be the most fit out of the elements. Since they are the animals of our elements I believe. With there raging laughs, wild enthusiasm and there skills who wouldn't be fit?

And then there is the nature who would have there calm yet always flirting looks. With most red hair and brown hair. With there Emerald eyes and beautiful smiles. With shades of green and rarely brown eyes. They say natures seem to see visions. But Cameron and Cindy never do. So I say that's a myth in the elemental world.

But I always wondered... Do us elements have some kind of powers? Why are we so different from the ordinary when the only thing that is separating them from us is our marks. Maybe, or intelligence and looks.

"Why do we have to be special?" I ask Asher. It's our fours day of the week. I have been meeting Asher for some games of pool, him giving me some tips. Helping me. I find myself always eager to be with him. It annoys me. Very much.

"What do you mean by special?" Asher says hitting the cue ball.

"I mean we are no different from the ordinary. The only thing separating us is our mark. So why are we in a different level?" Now I seem to wonder... Is our level higher than the ordinary. Or are we the idiots.

"We use more of our mind Sky." He says watching me hit. I don't seem to focus very well. When we use more of our mind what parts do we use? So we use all of it? Wouldn't we be unstoppable. "No. No. Try shifting your body more center like, love." Asher says.

"If we use more of our minds why don't I get this?" I say referring to the game. Asher let's out a soft laugh. "Maybe something's wrong with the game part of your mind." He says.

"You probably suck at something" I mumble.

"Yes. I do. But I'm not telling you what." Asher says locking his arms around me.

"Will I know?" I ask. I'll probably want to know just to hold it against him.

"Maybe." He answer just as I look at the door. I find the familiar guy. My heart races. "We need to go." I whisper pretending to play.

"Why? What happened." Asher asks.

"We. Need. To. Go." I say putting the cue down. Trying to release myself from Asher. He let's go and follows me to the door. The room isn't full so if the man looks around he'll probably see me. I look down as I quickly walk.

I bump into someone hoping it was Asher. But when I am pulled back I know the person I bumped into wasn't Asher. Instead, the person I've been trying to avoid.

Next to him is a young girl. Possibly my age. She has brown hair with blond highlights. Her brown eyes stare back at me. I let out a small smile seeing if I could get away with it. "She's very clumsy." Asher says staring at the blonde man I bumped into. Emerald green eyes. His jaws set in a perfect formation. His built body out into good use. But when I look a t his arm I find out that one of them is electric. And that's when I'm about to fall. He's the same hight as Asher. Possibly 6 feet. When Asher grabs my arms and pulls me to the door my other arm is held by someone else. A familiar touch. "I've seen you play pool. Why don't we play a game." The man says looking at Asher still holding my arms.

"What's the winning prize." Asher asks. "I don't play for fun."

"Good. I was thinking the girls." Blonde guy says. The brunet girl grins as I frown.

"Deal. Of I win we don't switch. If you win we switch." Asher says walking to the table picking up the cue.

"No!" I disagree. "Let's just go." What if Asher looses? I would break this deal of there's and run away. I'm not spending a day with blonde. Especially when he frightens me with his familiar features.

They seem to ignore me as Asher sets the balls in a triangular motion.

"Lose this and I'll hate you for life." I whisper into Asher's ear as I sit in the corner away from the game. I hope it wasn't a threat...

"Boyfriend?" A voice says behind me. I look back to find the girl holding two drinks handing me one. I smile as I grab the water. "No. You?"

She sits in front of me looking back at the game. "No. I wished though." She laughs.

"Amanda." She says taking out her hand.

"Skylar." I say with a smile taking her hand. I am so used to saying Skylar first year. Nature. But I guess I can't now. Amanda's eyes appear to be larger than normal. "Skylar Pierre?" She asks.


"Yes? How-"

"He talks about you a lot."

"Who's he?" I question. Asher?

"Um.. Uh. Ronan." She says. Taking a sip from her drink.

In the ordinary world I learned how to read body language. First thing I learned was how to notice lies. They stare strait into your eyes then break eye contact when the speak. The move uncontrollably and are always keeping there mouths busy... Amanda just lied about something. But I don't seem to mind.

"Oh. I don't know any Ronan. Probably another Skylar he's talking about." I say. Even though I'm certain there Is no other Skylar Pierre.

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