Chapter TwentyOne

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I hear the door lock behind me. It's dark as usual and I cannot see anything. At this point I, thinking that they found me and pushed me into there torture room. But when I feel around me the place seems small. Almost like a closet small. The aroma of burnt wood and sweet cologne fills my nose. "Aren't you suppose to be ignoring me?" I ask knowing who it is.

"Look for the Lights Sky." Asher whispers. I do as he says reaching for the wall hoping I feel something and not someone. My feet are stuck to something. An item on the ground. I bend down reaching for the item finding it to be a small light. I flick it on and place it on the ground near me. It's dim, but I can still see the things in front of me. "The inspectors came early." He says.

"That's why I'm not in my dorm." I mumble.

"It's not safe, Sky, being alone."

"I can manage myself." Since when do you start to care about me.

"Not when you life's at stake." I shrug then when I realize he can not see me i reply "so?"

He sighs. "Listen, if you don't t want to be with me... I understand. Just you have to be with a fire. Maybe Noel will understand-"

"No." I reply quickly before he continues. "Noel won't understand. I'll-I'll stay with you." He moves closer so that I can see him. Even though the light is dim he stands there taking all the light. His eyes are dark brown with a hint of gold. His hair is brown, put into a nice messy style. The light makes his tan complexion stand out. His lips are curved up into a small smile. With what he wears you can see his slim muscular build. He is about 6 feet tall. Defiantly taller than me. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think... He looks good. What am I saying? I don't like him. But then again I don't know what I feel anymore.

He traps me again with his arms but this time I don't try to get away. This time I stay there looking into his eyes. I don't like this. My mind is telling me to do things I don't want to do. My hands are trying to stay on my body. My feet are trying to run away but there stuck. And my heart... That ditched me the day I saw him. I need to stop thinking. I should shut off my mind. But if I did, would that mean that I would be uncontrollable that I'll probably do someone thing I'll regret. Or will it actual rest and gather up it's information.

He comes close. I don't realize I'm holding my breath until now. I feel his breathing on me. He close and what's scares me the most is that I enjoy his comfort. "Good." He whispers. I feel our noses touch. I would move back if there wasn't a wall. He hesitates as he leans closer-if it's possible for him to get any closer. Our bodies touch but none of us seems to jerk back. No one talks. As if we would break the silence and things would get awkward. To burst my own bubble, this is already awkward.

Before I can change my mind his head tilts colliding his lips with mine. I feel a shock run up my spine as I have no idea what to do or react. But before I know it I find myself kissing him back. What am I doing? I can hear the sound of my heart beat fast and hard. I'm afraid if he could hear my heart beat. His breathing is racing and so is mine. His scent fills my nose making me want more of him. What am I thinking? I could melt right here right now. But if I do what would happen next? His soft lips move against mine passionately. I find my hands moving away from my body towards his, holding onto his collar, bring him closer to me. His hands move from the wall towards the small of my back holding me tight. It's the only thing preventing me from falling. He pushes towards a corner causing me to hit the lights, now I see nothing.

I pull back gasping for air. Our nose still touching. The only thing that's running I my mind is the question: what am I doing? My arms are wrapped around his neck while my hands play with his soft hair. Looks like I chose letter C in the note. His lips form a smirk as he looks into my eyes.

Now my mind is stinging. What the f*ck are you doing Skylar?

Before I get carried away-which I am tempted to do- I carefully break my contact with Asher. It's dark so I don't know his face expression. I just hope I still don't see it. "Maybe if I turn on the lights-"

"Yeah. That would work." A voice says at the door. Think fast- grab Asher's hand. When I turn on the dim lights Kyle stands in front of us. My face blushes as I start to wonder how long Kyle was here. "What are you doing here?" Kyle asks only looking at me. I shrug, I'm the one who was pushed in here. "What do you want, Kyle."

"Looking for the water." He mumbles. My heart races. "Isn't that only the job for the Tenth year." I ask trying to stay calm. My grip on Asher's hand tightens and in return he squeezes my hands. I don't think I should be holding Asher's hands neither should I have been kissing him. It must have been a vision of some sort.

"No. It's for any fire. Now, show your mark." Kyle says moving closer towards us. Asher's arms cut in between us before he says: "If she was a water don't you think I would have already killed her?" For some reason that stung. All I could image is my dead body.

"Yes." Kyle replies.

"Then why would a Fire be kissing a water?" Asher asks. Um... Because you where?

"They wouldn't." Kyle mumbles.

"Then she's not a water." Oh. But I am.

I stand there watching them speak as I look around. I find myself staring at a globe. I pick it up to my surprise I find all the continents together. That's not our world is it? In history they told us that in the beginning of Earth it was all one continent. But none of us believed it. They never taught us that in the ordinary world. Why would they teach us in the Elemental world. A world of myths.

The round sphere was a golden color. The continents where brown and the water was tan. The staff that holds the sphere is decorated. I am tempted to pick it up and take it with me. But I decide to leave it afraid that if I do something could fall and I might catch attention. After all waters are known for hiding there thoughts. But are filled with curiosity.

My father told me stories of water. A water Nathan Kressford was killed by curiosity. Every Water has something that could possibly be useful but also dangerous. Mine, my thoughts. Some are useful. Some could lead to deaths. I can be put in a situation where I am locked in a room. My thoughts and ideas could help me break it. But, when I'm out in a room with a questioner-someone who asks to many questions and thinks they have greater knowledge. My thoughts can kill me, because I could out smart them. For a water that's bad especially when you are near a fire. They'll notice by the questions you answer or ask. Or the people you talk to. And just like that they'll kill you.

You can control your thoughts. But I can't control my actions my thought tell me to do. So then I know, I'm screwed and possibly the people with me could be screwed as well.

My mind runs until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump thinking it's Kyle wanting to see my mark. But when I turn around I find it's Asher. "We should go." I say avoiding eye contact. "Here." Asher says handing me something before I leave the room. When I look I find it a pass. "It means that you have been already checked." Asher says.

I nod. "Thanks." Then leave the room. Leaving the past behind me.

Never. Will I do that again.

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