Chapter Sixteen

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I look at my wet nails. I killed them with so many designs. Well, Cindy killed them. She was bored and wanted to use me. I told her to do her own nail but she said hers have enough designs for one day. I suppose she killed hers too. There beautiful don't get me wrong. There black and white and blue. The color of my eyes. There striped with the black and white then a decoration drawn with the blue. I smile as I adore my own nails. I shouldn't smile for that... I think. I don't know.

Cindy is ready for the party. She wouldn't miss it for the world she said though I insisted her to stay. I don't want to be left alone. She's a nature, she'll go.

She left leaving me there only to stare at my fingers and the wall in front of me. So I decided to watch some tv. Of course I can always read but my eyes hurt and all I can see is the words of the book. My old friend-she was ordinary- thought that if I kept reading so many romance books I'll have high expectations for a guy. Then I would be alone. Perfect people are in books Skylar. Is that why you read? She would always ask. Now that I have time to think about my past life, she is right. I think I only read romance books to put myself in a girls situation. That is probably the only reason why I read them.

I sigh turning on the tv. I need to find a new genre. It's been an hour since Cindy left. She promised me to be early. When I hear a knock on my door I immediately get up and open the door. This time turning On the lights.

I'm about to say Cindy's name when I find myself looking into Asher's eyes. "The amount of parties there are and you're still not used to me at your door?" He asks. I roll my eyes. It's true it has become a habit in expecting him. To my surprise I let him come In. "I don't have people knocking on my door everyday." I whisper. He seems to laugh at this.

"What are you doing?" He asks looking at the tv screen. There is no channel on so it's only black. I shrug. "I was going to watch a movie." When he wasn't going to come in. Probably watch something stupid. Now that he's here I don't think I want to anymore. "I just can't choose one." I add.

"What about the Notebook." He says looking at the shelf of movies. He probably noticed it because it's the only color element in the top shelf. I've read the book but I don't want to mention that to him. I walk towards the shelf and grab the DVD. "If I new we where watching a movie I would have brought food." He says. I didn't know he was coming. Though I should have expected him. He's always here when I'm alone. Which makes me uncomfortable. Since what happened in the scavenger hunt. Things been happening to fast. My heart is one of them. He was close. He now knows my true element. I don't think I should trust him.

Grabbing the remote I press play as I sit on a bean bag. "Do you want popcorn?" I ask. I hope he says yes. It would be awkward if I'm the only one who will eat it. "No butter please." I get up. Thank god I won't be the only one. I grab a bag of the seeds. It's cool how the seeds become popcorn. I place them in the microwave and wait until they start to pop. The noise of e popping never bothered me. I think the smell of popcorn annoyed me. A microwaves minuet is like an hour. It feels like I've been standing here forever. Hug it's probably because I have nothing to do.

I pull out the warm popcorn and grab two bowls. Not like I was planning on sharing one big one. I fill them up throwing some of the popcorn in my mouth. Yum...

The movie hasn't started yet when I came back with two full bowl. Asher grabs one and sits back down. I sit on the bean bag placing the bowl in front of me. We have distance between us. I'm glad. But I think it's because he knows I'm not Nature. He's probably not going to make me flirt again. No one starts a conversation. I focus on the moving people on the screen. I don't think I know what's going on in the movie. Just, what's happening in the movie I'm in.

Isn't he suppose to be with the girl he liked? Or at Kyle's party trying to get the girl? Why is here? What if he's just here because something bad happened at the party. He's using me to forget about it. I try to bring my focus back to the movie. What if- focus Skylar. The movie is more important. I convince myself and I finally calm down.

At least, not until he started to speak. "About this mornings class-"

"I have the notes if you want to copy them." I calmly say. Wishing he actually wanted to talk about the notes than what actually happened for the majority of class.

"Yeah, The notes." He says. I reach for my bag letting the movie play. I wasn't watching it anyways. I grab my red notebook and hand it to him. "And the fight." He adds.

"I can't give you that." I mumble.

"No I mean-"

"It was stupid." I say. Not letting I'm finish. I think I regret what I said. "You barely know if the girl likes you or Kyle." My mouth is running. Stop. "And you treat her like she's an item than you can easily have." Stop. "No one is." I have nothing else to say. I said what's in my mind.

Well, most of what's in my mind.

"And how will I know she likes me?" He asks. I turn my head to face him. "Ask her." Why is he asking me for advice? It's not like I will help. But then again. I just did.

"Im going to copy the notes. Thanks Sky. See you tomorrow?" I nod as he leaves with my notebook.

I turn back to the screen and replay the movie. I wasn't focusing...

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