I'll Make An Exception This Once

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Ash's POV
Later that afternoon, Emily returned from rehearsal with a somewhat disappointed look on her face. She barely looked at me, before making her way to the bathroom. I wondered if something had happened after I left, since Emily was rarely the type of person to look so down. When she came back out, she sat on her bed and gave me a weird look. "Are you okay?" I asked, making her scoff in return. "Did something happen?" I asked, a bit scared to know the answer.

"It doesn't matter." she mumbled with a huff and crossed her arms across her chest.

"It clearly does." I said and got off my bed, walking over and sitting beside her.

"I just don't understand why you wouldn't even audition. You're such a good singer, so why won't you let people see that?" she asked, taking me by surprise, since I hadn't expected this to be about me.

"You know why. I have major stage fright.." I replied, making her look at me.

"I know.. but I want to help you with that. I know how much you love music and singing along to all your favorite songs. If you joined The Bellas then you could do that everyday with the rest of us. The girls are really cool and I think you could become great friends with them." Emily spoke softly, her eyes locked with mine.

"But every time I have to speak in front of people, I feel like I'm gonna die. And if I had to sing.. then that feeling would be ten billion times worse." I replied and looked down at my hands.

"I know, but listen, you wouldn't have to do anything you weren't comfortable with. If you don't want to sing solo, you don't have to. You could stand way in the back.. whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable." She said, making me look back up at her.

"I can't.. I told the girls I couldn't do it. I don't want to bother them anymore.." I replied, my mind drifting back to the way Aubrey looked at me. She was so intimidating, and I didn't want to bother her ever again.

"What do you mean? You didn't bother them." Emily asked, confused.

"Aubrey didn't seem too happy that I was there." I replied, causing Emily to frown.

"Listen, Aubrey can be very hard to read, but I don't think she was unhappy that you were there. And besides, you wouldn't be bothering them.. I think Chloe bugging you would be more likely." Emily chuckled at the last part, making me look at her confused. "I guess you haven't heard the story of how she got Beca to audition." she said and I shook my head. "Well, Beca had actually told Chlo and Bree that she didn't want to join, but then at one point when she took a shower, a certain redhead jumped into the shower, because she had heard Bec singing in the shower. Then Chlo forced Beca to sing for her, and made her audition.." Emily explained, making us both laugh.

"Oh wow, I hope that doesn't happen to me.." I chuckled.

"All I'm saying is that if you don't audition, you never know what Chloe might do. She's not one to give up easily." Emily replied with a smile.

"I guess you're right.. I'll think about it, okay?" I said and she nodded, her smile growing by the second.


The following day, I went to class, but I couldn't stop thinking about The Bellas. Maybe I should do it.. You never know, it might be fun.

When I was done with my classes for the day, I went back to mine and Emily's dorm, where Emily was getting ready for rehearsal.

"Hey Em, I thought about it, and I think I'll give it a shot." I said, causing Emily to shriek in excitement.

"Yay! You're gonna love it! Come on, let's go!" The taller girl was talking a mile a minute, as she grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.


As soon as we stepped into the rehearsal room, everyone turned to look at us, probably because of the sudden way Emily had bursted through the door. I could see Aubrey eyeing me, just like she had done the day before. Then said blonde came over and gave me a confused look, before shifting her gaze to Emily. "Ash changed her mind. She wants to audition." Emily explained, her voice full of excitement.

"Normally we don't let people audition so long after the actual auditions, but I'll make an exception this once." Aubrey said, her blue eyes locked with mine. Even though I was slightly taller than her, she was still very intimidating and she made me feel so small under her gaze.

"Bree, stop terrifying the poor girl." Beca suddenly said, making me snap my eyes over to her, seeing a smirk painted across her face. I shifted my gaze back to the blonde in front of me, seeing a small smirk on her face as well.

"Okay, enough guys." Chloe said and came over to me. "What do you want to sing, sweetie?" she asked, making me blush slightly at the nickname.

"Oh, I don't know.. I hadn't even thought about that." I replied with a shrug, mentally going through my music library.

"You should sing Here Comes The Sun, you sing that one beautifully." Emily piped in, making me look at her.

"Thanks, Em." I replied a little sarcastically. "Oh well, I can't come up with anything else, so I guess I'll go with that.." I said, earning a professional nod from Aubrey, as she and the others sat down.


"Whenever you're ready, kid." Beca said with a smile and I nodded in return, before starting to sing. I ended up singing the entire song, since no one stopped me, and at the end of it Aubrey looked rather impressed. Beca was still smirking and Chloe was grinning like the freaking cheshire cat.

As I sang the last note, all the Bellas cheered and I sighed in relief, since I actually managed to get through it without puking. "That was great!" Chloe shrieked and jumped up to hug me.

"I agree with Chloe." Beca said, still with that smirk all over her face. I looked at Aubrey, as she got up and came over to me.

"Welcome to The Bellas." The blonde said with a smile and handed me a yellow scarf with some blue printing on it.

A/N: Thanks for reading.
Hope y'all enjoyed.
Have a good one.

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