Truth Or Dare

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Ash's POV
After dinner, I got up to take the empty boxes into the kitchen. As I placed the boxes on the counter, I heard someone come into the kitchen. Before I got the chance to turn around to see who it was, someone wrapped their arms around me from behind, making me tense up.

"Relax sweetie, it's just me." Chloe husked out, her breath hitting the back of my ear, sending even more chills down my spine. "It's very sweet of you to clean up, but we're missing you in the living room." she continued, before letting go of me. I turned around to face her, immediately getting lost in those beautiful blue eyes of hers. "Come on sweetie, we're gonna play a game." The way she said it, made my insides burn. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me with her into the living room. When we came into the room, she went back to sit between Beca's legs, while I made my way over to Emily, sitting in her lap.

"Okay, who's ready for truth or dare?" Flo asked excitedly, making all the girls cheer.

"We have one rule and one rule only; if you don't do as the truth or dare says, you have to take a shot." Stacie explained with an evil smirk. This isn't gonna end well.


Everything was going pretty much okay.. Most of the girls were already pretty wasted. I hadn't taken any shots yet, since the girls had been pretty chill, but I had a feeling that was gonna change, considering the amount of alcohol they had all consumed. Emily had only taken two shots, so she wasn't quite on the same level as the rest of the girls, but she was definitely tipsy.

"Ashhh," Stacie slurred with a smirk, making me look at her. "Truth or dare?" the slightly taller brunette asked, her eyes fixed on me.

"Truth." I went with what I hoped would be the safest option. The smirk on Stacie's face kinda scared me, but it was too late to turn back now.

"Who in this room *hiccup* would you most like to make out with?" Stacie asked, still smirking a bit too much. How the hell was I supposed to answer that? There were multiple girls in the room that I would love to make out with- I mean, whaaaat? I had no choice, but to take a shot of tequila, as my eyes drifted across the room. My gaze lingered on the three co-captains a little too long, and I couldn't help but notice the way they all watched me intensely.

"Ooouuu someone has a crush." Flo teased with a smirk, and I could feel a blush creep its way onto my face.

"Moving on- Jessica, truth or dare?" I quickly asked, shifting my attention to the blonde in question.

"Dare." she replied and I could tell she was already pretty drunk.

"7 minutes in heaven with Ashley." I said, making the girls go wide eyed by my confidence.

"Gladly." Jessica replied with a smirk and got on her feet, grabbing Ashley by the arm and dragging her into the kitchen. The rest of us pretty much just sat there with our mouths open, not expecting that at all.


A little while later, some pretty personal questions and dares were thrown around, and I had been forced to take multiple shots. Because my alcohol tolerance is pretty low, I got very drunk, to the point where some of the girls seemed concerned.

"Guys, I think we should call it a night." Aubrey said, causing me and some of the other girls to groan.

"Don't kill the vibe." I slurred, causing the blonde to look at me with a very stern look. Why did I find it so attractive..?

"Sorry, but you've definitely had enough." she replied and got off the couch, walking over to me. "Bec, will you help me get her in bed?" Bree asked, looking back at Beca.

"Of course." the brunette replied and got up as well. Together they managed to get me upstairs and into bed, but I of course protested the entire time.

"Goodnight, princess." Beca said with a soft smile, making me giggle drunkenly as my eyes slowly closed.

A/N: Thanks for reading.
Hope y'all enjoyed.
Have a good one.

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