First Night In Their Bed

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Ash's POV
After dinner that night, me and the rest of the Bellas sat around the living room, all watching a movie together. As per usual, everyone was cuddled up together somehow.

I, of course, was cuddling with my three girls on one of the couches. I sat sideways in Aubrey's lap, leaning up against her chest, my legs laid across Chloe's lap, who sat next to the Blonde, while Beca laid up against the redhead.


When the movie came to an end, the girls sat around chatting for a while, before everyone slowly made their way upstairs to bed. Beca had fallen asleep with her head on Chloe's shoulder, and I was close to drifting off as well.

"Ash, baby," Aubrey said in a soft tone, making me look up at her with tired eyes, "you're falling asleep, babygirl," The blonde brushed some hair out of my face and kissed my forehead softly, "let's go to bed, yeah?"

I nodded softly and got off her lap, quickly followed by the blonde. Chloe moved a bit, causing Beca to lay down on the couch, curling into a little ball as she kept sleeping. I looked at Chloe and Aubrey, not knowing what to do. The redhead gave me a soft smile, "Just go get ready for bed, okay?" I nodded softly, as she kept speaking, "We'll be up in a minute."

I smiled at both of them, before making my way upstairs and into mine and Emily's bedroom. Emily looked up from her book and gave me a soft smile, "Hey you," I smiled back at her and went to my closet to get my pajamas, "I guess I'll see you in the morning." The brunette smirked at me, making me blush.

"Yeah.. I hope that's okay with you." I spoke shyly and got changed with my back turned towards her. We had always been like sisters, so I had no problems with changing in front of her.

"Of course it is," I could hear the smile in her voice, "I'm happy for you, Ash." Emily said, as I pulled my shirt on and turned around, seeing the bright smile on her face.

"Thank you, Em," I blushed and pulled on my pajama shorts, "really, that means a lot." I grinned and walked over to her, sitting beside her on the bed, "I love you, you know that, right?"

"Nowhere near as much as I love you," The brunette replied with a smile and pulled me in for a tight hug, "Now go, your girls are waiting for you." She smirked at me as we pulled apart.

I smacked her arm playfully and got off the bed, heading for the door. I opened the door and looked back at her, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." She replied, still smiling brightly as I left the room and made my way to my three captains' room.


I raised my hand and knocked on the door softly, shifting on my feet nervously. It didn't take long before the door opened, revealing a very happy looking Chloe, "Hi baby," The redhead grinned and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside. I could see Beca still asleep, now laying on the bed, cuddled into Aubrey's right side. "Come on," Chloe said and led me over to the bed.

"What are you waiting for, babygirl?" Aubrey smiled softly and lifted the covers, letting me crawl in next to her, and I quickly cuddled into her side, feeling Chloe crawl in behind me and cuddling into me from behind. "Goodnight, my loves." Bree said and closed her eyes, holding us all as close as possible.

"Sleep tight." I mumbled and nuzzled my face into the blonde's chest, smiling at Beca who had her face buried in Aubrey's neck.

"Sweet dreams." Chloe whispered into my back and hugged me tightly. It didn't take long before we all drifted off to sleep, all cuddled up in each other's arms.


I woke up the next morning, feeling nice and snug, absolutely loving the feeling of my three girls holding me tightly in their arms. I opened my eyes, seeing Beca sound asleep with her face deep in Aubrey's neck, just like last night.

I tilted my head up and looked at Aubrey, who was smiling down at me softly, "Good morning, baby." The blonde spoke softly and kissed my forehead, making me smile as well.

I hummed with a tired smile, "Morning, gorgeous," my raspy morning voice, caused Chloe's grip on me to tighten.

"Damn," I heard the redhead whisper, as she buried her face deeper in my shirt behind me, "you sound sexy in the morning," Chloe mumbled, causing Aubrey and myself to laugh.

"Good morning to you too, angel," I giggled and placed my hand on top of hers, squeezing it softly.

"Guys please," Beca suddenly groaned and tightened her grip on the blonde, "shhh, it's way too early for all that chatting."

"It's never too early for Ash's raspy morning voice," Chloe protested and popped her head up from behind me, sending Beca a look, "and good morning, sweetie." The redhead smiled and pecked my cheek softly.

Beca slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, and then at Chloe, then back at me. I sent her a soft smile, "Morning, babe," I reached over and caressed her cheek softly, which was enough for her to crack and become soft Beca. What can I say? I have an effect on her.

"Morning," The brunette replied with a soft smile, making the other two giggle, "what's so funny?" Beca grumbled and looked up at Aubrey.

"You're such a softie." Bree replied with a grin and pinched the smaller girl's cheek softly.

"Not true!" Beca huffed and looked at me and Chloe, we were both smirking at her, which she of course couldn't resist. "Fine.. maybe a little. But just a little."


If someone would've told me when I started at this school, that I would end up in an a capella group, singing with a bunch of chicks, and then end up dating my three co-captains, I would've laughed. I never imagined my life like this; I had everything I never dared wish for. I lived in a house with all of my best friends and we got to do what we love; sing together. But I would have to say that the best part of all of this would have to be my three amazing girls; Beca, Chloe and Aubrey are the best things that have ever happened to me. I never dared hope for anything as amazing as this. I have three amazing girls, who love me unconditionally. They accept me for me; they never try to change me. I am forever grateful for them and I'll do everything I can to make them as happy as they make me.

The end.

A/N: Thanks for reading.
Hope y'all enjoyed.
Have a good one.

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