Chapter 9

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"Do one thing every day that scares you.

- Eleanor Roosevelt


My birthday is coming up this week and I couldn't wait to spend it with Gray on this trip. The girls and I arranged to go out when I come back to campus.

My day couldn't start any better.

I packed a few things and Gray picked me up from campus so we leave for the business trip. Gray told me he is in charge of the interior design of a new hotel. I'm very excited happy because I'll get to experience and learn more about interior design.

On our way to the hotel, we dropped by a supermarket and bought snacks and some groceries.

It's going to be a 7-hour drive so eat sit back and enjoy Princess. He says and laughs. I turned on the radio and start jamming out to music, singing out loud.

"Join me"

He chuckles and started singing along with me.

As we sing our third song, Gray intertwines his fingers with mine.

They fit together perfectly

He looks at me and says "I'm glad I met and kisses the back of my hand"

"Me too," I say kissing his hand too

He looks over at me and starts to chuckle.

"Eyes on the road big guy"

"Okay orange ass"

Gray, not you too I whined and pouted.

"Sorry just kidding," he said but kept laughing at me.

Gray has already booked us a two-bedroom apartment near the hotel and ordered us food because by the time we got there it was late in the evening.

The next morning, after Gray made sure we were settled and that I have everything I needed. He went to the hotel to start work. I went over there most of the time to watch him work and learn at the hotel. He is good at his job and even asked for my opinion sometimes which surprised me.

We spent his free time together watching movies, cooking, swimming and he even helped me finish my project work from school.

Today Gray finished his work and we are getting ready for the grand opening party for the hotel today. As I was getting dressed in my room, unlucky for me my dress doesn't work with a bra so I have to go without one.

it still looks okay.

I knocked on Gray's door so he helps me with my zip.

"Gray please can you help me with my zip?

"Of course"

I feel his presence behind me, his breath on my neck. I flinch as I feel his hand touch mine as we gently move my hair from behind to in front of my shoulders. I feel him take in a deep breath when he noticed how low down the zip goes and starts pulling the zip up. I shiver as I feel his cold hands against my bare back as he's pulling the zip up. When he finished he gently pulls my hair back and rests his hands on my hips.

"There," he says into my ears.


After the party, Gray said he has something planned for us. He took me out to dinner and surprised me with a birthday celebration.

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