Untitled Part 11

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Warnings: Cussing, depression


I sear to god I wanted to slap him.

I want to slap him.

But I wanted to kiss him at the same time.

"You are a wreck Strider."  I said sighing.

"I didn't mean to become a cutter... I just..." He trailed off. 

"I don't know what to do with myself." He said quietly.

"Make your self useful and quit being so depressed is one thing." I said.

"How can I make myself useful?"  He asked, actual desperation in his voice.

"BE HAPPY." I yelled and sighed.

He looked down. "Sorr-"

"I swear to god Strider, If you say sorry one more time. I will flip my shit." I said with a growl.

A half hearted smirk came to his lips.


You: *Face palms* *flips shit*

"GOD DAMMIT  STRIDER." I said in a laugh and in annoyance.

He laughed slightly.

"Fuck you!" I yelled.

"With pleasure~" He said with a cocky smile.

I blushed. 


He laughed more.

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