Chapter Thirteen.

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I flopped on my bed and groaned loudly.

"Why does he do that to me?" I said to myself, face in the messy covers.

I had only felt this feeling once before and I knew what it was and that scared me.

I quickly texted Alphys, asking if she was up for a phone call. Setting my phone aside, I waited. She must have been bored because the answer was pretty fast.

Alphys: pls yes its been so boring

I smiled and called her immediately.

"H-hi, Leah." Alphys sounded weak but happy that I was there. I rolled flat on my back and groaned a bit before saying, "I have something to tell you."


"ITHINKIHAVE ASLIGHT CRUSH ON SOMEONEAND YOU INTRODUCED ME TO HIM!!!" I said quickly, my face burning. Alphys stayed silent for a moment to process what I said then I thought I heard a cough away from the phone and a stifled laugh.

"L-Leah, who?" Alphys was giddy but calm. "Wh-what, Undyne? ..... n-no it's Leah!"

I nibbled my lip and then stood up, taking my shorts off and shaking my head quickly.

"I won't tell, you have to guess."

"Y-you already said him.. so-so.. hmm..." Alphys pondered it for a moment, "N-not Mett-"

"Don't guess!" I knew there was only a few people she could guess.

"P-Papyrus?" She snorted.

"NO!" I felt my face flush even further.

She stopped then I heard her gasp loud, "L-Leah!"

"STOP!" I felt my smile widen but face burn so hot, I felt overwhelmed. Walking over to my AC, I flipped it on then said, "Alphys, what do I do?" I asked my friend.

After her fit of small giggles she cleared her throat and must of put the phone back to her face because I heard the 'clink' of it hit her glasses.

"I-I don't know, Leah. F-Frisk was the one that helped me and Undyne-.. well maybe j-just give it some time? I-I've never known Sans to even flirt with someone." Alphys stated, making me wilt.

"Okay..." I sadly said.

"What?.... O-Okay!" Alphys added, "Undyne i-is telling me to rest. T-text me if anything happens."

Sighing loudly and dramatically I said, "okay. Thanks. I love you, Alphys."

"I-I love you too, Leah. Bye!" She hung up. We don't particularly tell each other that a lot, only when we really appreciate our friendship in the moment. Alphys and me clicked so quickly and never left each other's side and I'm pretty sure we never would.

I put my phone on my nightstand then flopped face first in the bed again, mumbling random words. You know that feeling when you're thinking of how you need to do a chore the next day and already you felt exhausted from it? I felt that way about my car.

"I hate driving." I said in the mattress. After a few more minutes of feeling sorry for myself, I got back up and started to make my bed a bit more tidier so I had a comfortable place to sleep. Sans was constantly on my mind.

"How would that even work?" I said to myself, pulling the covers up to the pillows. I left a flap open so I could easily slip in bed. "He's warm but... cuddly?" I continued to say to nobody in particular. Soon I was questioning almost everything, getting way too far ahead of myself. I went into the kitchen to gulp a big glass of water down, used the restroom, then finally got ready to sleep. I put on my sleeping clothes and got in bed, feeling exhausted and worn out from the day's activities.

Once the lights were off, I shut my eyes.


Waking up a little past eight was awful. My eyes were so heavy, it was so hard to even open them. My body ached as my natural antibiotics haven't set in for the day yet.

"Shit." I yawned, feeling awful from last night. I got up and changed into my clothes, consisting of a long sleeve black shirt and some old jeans.

After changing and cleaning up in the bathroom, I decided to wear some black and white sneakers. Grabbing my phone, purse, I headed out. I know Sans specifically wanted me to call him to pick me up and take me too my car, but I felt way too nervous and didn't want to burden him.

I decided to start walking to the museum, it wasn't too far away and I could just enjoy the breeze and sun. The streets were filled with a few more people than usual, and it seemed most of them were on their phones talking in a worried tone. I saw a few worried looks my way which I returned with a nervous smile and continued on my way.

When I arrived, all I could do was gasp and hold my hand to my mouth. The windows were shattered, door was knocked in. I saw Carl standing next to several police cars.

"Not again." I sniffed. Hearing my voice, he looked at me and then said something to the cops and walked over.

"Leah, I came by and saw this. What happened?" Carl asked. I just swallowed a lump in my throat and put my head down, feeling defeated.

"We can't afford to repair this..." Was all I managed to say.

"I called the cops immediately. Hey, are you-"

I put my hands up to my face and just stood there as if I could rewind or disappear. I felt arms around me and just went sort of limp.

"I have to tell Alphys..." I said.

Carl rubbed my back and said, "what for?"

"We have to sell it."

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