Chapter Thirty-One

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I cracked my eye open and stifled a yawn. I felt like someone was holding onto my waist and I turned in bed to find Sans next to me. His eyes were shut and arm slung over my waist lazily. At first, I was embarrassed and confused then memories of what happened last night flooded in my sleepy brain.

I blushed a scarlet red and decided I should get up and get dressed. I slowly pushed his arm up, earning a quick inhale from him and he turned over on his other side. Giggling silently from his cute antics, I got up out of bed and tried to stretch but felt a pain in my side. I definitely should've let the bruise heal before I did any of those things.

I glanced at it and, even though it was dark, the bruise definitely looked smaller but it hurt just as much as the day it appeared. After I was up, I got my shorts from the floor and slipped on a white shirt to make it to the bathroom. The sun was just rising and somehow I felt fully energized. After taking a wonderful hot shower and getting dressed, I fixed my hair and put the sundress on over my shorts. It was the only outfit I had at the moment.

I went into the kitchen and decided to make bacon and pancakes for the skeleton brothers as a thanks. After finding the correct ingredients, I hummed a soft tune and cooked at my own slow pace. Cooking was very relaxing to me and made me feel extremely at peace.

I decided to cook five pancakes, two for them and one for me. And nine pieces of bacon. I don't particularly eat much in the mornings for whatever reason.

"Okay tall sink." I said to myself and decided to climb on the counter beside the sink and stand up slowly to wash my hands.


The sun was a bit higher when I finally finished the last pancake and had it set out. Then I decided to set the half jug of orange juice and plates and some forks and knives. I managed to find the syrup in the top cabinet and placed it out. Footsteps behind me startled me slightly and I quickly turned around.

"Oh hi, Pap." I smiled seeing the tall skeleton rub his eyes.

"DID YOU MAKE BREAKFAST?" He asked, eyes large at the food I made.

"I did! I hope you like it." I sat down excitedly and waited for Papyrus to do the same. After we both were eating our food and talking about how we slept, my heart dropped into my asshole when Papyrus said-


I almost choked on the orange juice I was drinking and I took a moment to collect myself. "You.. you did?"

Papyrus rubbed his chin with a gloved hand, "YES, AND SLIGHT BANGING ON THE WALL. PERHAPS SANS HAD ANOTHER NIGHTMARE IS ALL." He took a bite of bacon. I stopped eating and tilted my head.

"He has nightmares?"

Papyrus nodded and then explained it isn't out of the normal for Sans to bang on the walls, fall out of bed, or curse at times throughout the night. I gave a sorrowful look and sighed,

"I wonder why he didn't open up to me." I mumbled.

"WELL IT IS QUITE PERSONAL IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT!" Papyrus furrowed his eyebrows.

I opened my mouth to say something then realized Papyrus didn't know me and Sans were together yet. "Did you know me and Sans are dating, Pap?" I smiled and changed the subject. At first he narrowed his eyes like I was playing a prank on him.

"I'm serious." My smile got even wider. He quickly held two hands to the side of his head and gasped dramatically, a cute orange blush brightening on his cheekbones.


I giggled at my title and nodded, "yep!"

"WOWIE!" He breathed again then slammed his hands on the table in a swift motion, making me flinch. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DATING?!"

"Not very long." I sipped my orange juice. Papyrus, about to ask another question, got cut off when I added, "Pap, I was wondering something."

He tilted his head.

"Have you noticed any strange flashes out the window or footprints outside?" I asked, "it's probably nothing but I was just curious."

"WHY YES! ACTUALLY, NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT HUMAN, I SAW ONE ON THE WAY TO THE KITCHEN OUT THE WINDOW!" Papyrus recalled, smiling at the fact he could help.

"A flash or.. footprints?" I perked up.


I felt some anxiety seeping in my stomach but also the Determination to find out who this was that was still stalking me. "Alphys said she had the museum taken care of?" I stood up and wiped invisible dust off my dress.

"INDEED, HUMAN! IT IS ALL TAKEN CARE OF!" Papyrus announced.

I picked up my dishes and tried to reach the sink again but Papyrus stood up and added, "DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THOSE LEAH! THE GREAT AND RESPONSIBLE PAPYRUS WILL HANDLE IT!"

I smiled sheepishly and placed them on the counter, an embarrassed blush working it's way to my cheeks. "Thanks... also um, I think I'm gonna head up to the surface." I decided. It was a foolish decision but I felt the Determination bursting inside me to find out who was trying to ruin my life and my passion.


"I, uh, I'm gonna go shop!" I smiled.

Papyrus thought for a moment, "THAT WON'T BE DANGEROUS? SANS SAID-" He clapped a gloved hand over his mouth.

"I'll be around other pe-... what did Sans say?" I raised my eyebrows.

He shrugged and took a step back to wash his dishes in the tall sink.

Papyrus nervously shrugged, "NOTHING. BUT PLEASE... BE CAREFUL, LEAH. OH AND HERE!" Papyrus reached for the top of a cabinet and pulled a dusty folded up map and handed it to me. I took it, not knowing how to really read a map, and smiled.


"Thanks, Pap! I'm gonna head out now. Tell Sans uh that I went shopping at the clothes store!" I said.


"Hmm... well the one near Carl's Diner." I said. Papyrus looked up for a moment as if to memorize it then nodded.

"See ya, Pap!" I waved and went to the door to put on the crude boots that Undyne gave me.

"GOODBYE, LEAH!" Papyrus smiled back.

I went out the door, freezing, but knowing I could get through this place to the 'Hotlands'.
Reading the map was tedious to read but I eventually got to where I needed to go to leave. Papyrus was right that it was definitely confusing but the cool and relaxed monsters I met on the way made the traveling much better. After I was finally at the surface I breathed in a huge sigh of relief. The smell of actual fresh air felt amazing and the nice nice shone on my shoulders. I hoped my eye looked mostly healed to others and although my legs were still scraped up, I thought I still looked cute.

"Time for my own investigation." I said, scowling to myself.

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