Chapter Nineteen.

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Alphys had given me some clothes and told me most of them would be headed home now. I closed the bathroom door and looked at the clothes. The t-shirt was white and felt soft. The pants looked a bit big but that they could fit. The shirt was definitely Sans as it went a bit past my ass but the shoulders were wider. The pants looked like Undyne's but I decided once I sleep I could take them off. I put the clothes on and looked in the mirror and combed my hair out with my hands, wincing as I felt the knots being pulled.

After I was somewhat decent, I slowly opened the bathroom door. I felt awkward and walked to the edge of the hallway and nervously twirled the hem of my shirt as I heard talking in the kitchen.


"it is exactly how we left it, bro. except little to no tourists."

"AND WHY IS THAT?" I heard some silence and plates clutter. An amazing smell drifted to my nose.
It was pizza.

Sans must have walked further into the kitchen because his voice was more faint. "I dunno. no tourists like snow when it's already snowing here, I guess."


"it's not very n-ice." I heard a chair pull out.


"c'mon Pap, that's not cool." Sans let out a little snicker.


"snow way thats too far."

I silently giggled, imagining this was the brother's life. It was wholesome. Then I walked closer and stood at the entrance and held my hands together nervously behind my back. Sans was sitting at the table with his back to me. Papyrus was setting three plates down and opened a pizza box. His eyes spotted me and they lit up. Papyrus almost knocked me over as he hugged me tightly and said, "LEAH, I WAS SO WORRIED! YOU LOOK LESS DISGUSTING NOW!" I coughed a bit and whimpered from my bruised ribs. Papyrus immediately he let go and looked at me with sad but confused eyes.

"you ok?" Sans turned around. I quickly nodded, "Yeah, sorry. My ribs are just really... bruised." I sheepishly said, now rubbing one arm. Papyrus and Sans exchanged looks and, to change the subject, Papyrus walked around the counter and set three plates down. I hopped up on a chair besides Sans to eat. I was starving and stared at the slice that was dropped on my plate.

"you don't look so crusty now." Sans playfully but gently elbowed me in the arm. I smiled and returned the playful elbow. The pizza felt amazing on my tongue and I probably managed to scarf down five pieces as Papyrus and Sans started talking about things they should take on the trip.

"Is Snowdin really cold?" I asked, hinting that I wanted to know more about their home. Sans gave me a smug look, "no it's a burning wasteland." Without really thinking about it, I squeezed his knee in an annoyed manner but quickly yanked my hand away and stared at my lap. Papyrus, not knowing at all what was going on, chimed in.

"BROTHER, I BELIEVE YOU ARE MISTAKEN SNOWDIN FOR HOTLAND! AS YOU CAN TELL-... SANS WHY ARE YOU SO FLUSTERED?" I glanced up at him and Sans had his head resting against his hand and a smile on his face. He also had that same blush across his cheeks. "nothin' bro, I just... I'm embarrassed I got the two confused." Sans lied, shooting me a look and winking. I giggled and tucked my chin closer to my chest.

"WEIRDO." Papyrus clicked his tongue in disapproval then held up a finger and announced,

"She what? Why?" I looked up, frowning. I did not like the idea of Alphys doing all the work. And the fact I was basically hiding away from everyone almost made me blush in shame.

"she got two of the strongest monsters to help clear it out. don't worry." Sans said.

"CORRECT! ASGORE AND UNDYNE CAN CLEAN THAT UP IN ABSOLUTELY NO TIME! MEANWHILE; WE NEED TO PACK FOR OUR TRIP TO THE UNDERGROUND!" Papyrus let out an excited squeal and put his hands on the side of his head and an excited orange blush sprinkled his cheeks as he said, "I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HOME AGAIN! CAN YOU SANS?!" And, without waiting for an answer, Papyrus ran into the other room. Sans chuckled and turned to hop off of the chair.

"I'm sorry. I feel like I'm such a trouble to you guys." I followed him to the living room, nervously picking at my fingernail. Sans noticed and waved me off, still giving a smug smile.

"don't be weird. no trouble at all, tiger." Sans sat on the couch and motioned for me to sit, "but I do wanna talk to ya."

I instantly felt anxiety in my stomach. I hated when people said that and didn't tell me exactly what they want. It would fill me with nervousness. I eyed him and sat on the couch, doing my usual criss cross.

Sans turned towards me and his face was serious. "you don't seem like you know a lot 'bout what happened. how we were released from the Underground."

I slowly shook my head. I knew a bit of it from the news and what Alphys told me but she never exactly liked to talk about it.

"I just..." Sans' eyes flickered. "well... it can wait." I dropped my jaw and leaned forward on my hands, wincing a bit from my sore muscles.

"What?! You jerk!" I pulled his hoodie up and over his face, earning a laugh.

"what'd'ya mean?" He pulled his hood out of his face.

"That was so rude!" I poked him, then pulled his hood over him again and tightened the straps. Sans peeked out and gave me a grin that made my cheeks heat up.

"it can wait once we show ya the Underground. how 'bout that?" He promised.

I held out my pinky, "pinky promise?" Sans blinked in confusion and pulled the rest of his hood down.


"You never heard of a pinky promise before?"

"no I have. I just thought we were adults." Sans wrapped his pinky around mine. I wrinkled my nose in disapproval.

"You're never too old for pinky promises!" I smiled.

"heh. guess so."

We just stared at each other, our pinkies still intertwined. I thought I saw him lean a bit closer, his face glowing a bit more blue.

"Is he about to kiss me?" I thought. My heart started beating faster as he even licked the bottom of his 'lip' as if he was nervously debating something.

I decided to lean in a bit closer.

Chills | Undertale | Sans X OC | 17+Where stories live. Discover now