Chapter 7

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"It took me a while to find you, child."

He flinched hard. His heart beat out of his chest faster than a bullet. The hairs on his arms and legs shot up. His whole body felt like it was doused in ice cold water. He tightened his sweaty palms into fists, trying to keep himself together.

That voice. It was terrifying.

Who was it?

An upper moon?

No. Upper moons could not evoke a fear as severe as this.

It was something else.

Something more.

"You're definitely interesting. Tell me, boy. Who are you?"

Zenitsu looked back, gaining a little bit of confidence. Though when he made contact with the glowing red eyes staring back at him, he wished he hadn't. His breathing went thin. He was too scared to make a sound.

It was Muzan.

The demon king was standing right in front of him!

Oh shit, what should he do?

What could he do?

This had never happened in the past!

He stood frozen in fear for a solid minute. The seconds—which felt like an eternity—passed by without him moving an inch. The demon in front of him did the same. They were locked in a timeless staring contest.

If he wasn't so shocked, he probably would've been shaking by now.

He could even hear his silent whimpers because the night was so quiet.

"Don't just whimper there pathetically. I asked you a question," The man's eyes squinted, "Who are you?"

"I-I don't know who you are. P-please leave me alone."

Muzan hummed, "Really now? Don't lie to me, child. It's useless. Tell me, why do I see you in my memories?"


Him in Muzan's memories?

"W-what? I-I don't know what you're t-talking about." Zenitsu felt the sudden urge to run.

"Your face. I see you in my memories. I recognize your face."

"I-I really don't know!"

The man stepped forward, looking even deeper into those honey brown eyes. The blond in turn, took a step back.

Muzan smirked at the action, "Ah... It seems like you're telling the truth for now. You are quite a pathetic sight. Don't worry, I won't hurt you yet," The man's smirk turned into an ice cold sneer, "But the next time I see you, I want you to provide me with an answer." The man smiled, sinister. "I will spare you for now. You interest me. I might even grant you some of my blood if I'm satisfied." The man turned around, walking away from the shaking boy, "Till then."

And as quick as he came, the demon king disappeared into the night.

Zenitsu slowly gained control of his body. He was full on sweating now. His feet itched him to move.

Zenitsu ran the whole way back to the wisteria home. And he didn't look back. Even as his legs shook in fear and exhaustion, he didn't stop. He couldn't stop. Not when something like that had happened.

He couldn't even sense the demon king until he was right behind his body.

The man's question repeated in his brain the whole night.

Why was he in Muzan's memories?


Tanjiro and Inosuke found their new friend staring eyes-wide at the empty road in front of the house entrance. He was unmoving. He wasn't even blinking. The whole scene made Inosuke shudder.

'Creepy.' He thought.

"Zenitsu? Uhh... The lady said its time for breakfast. So... come on, let's eat!" Tanjiro tried to get the attention of the blond.

"Heh? Oi, Gonjitsu! It's time to eat! You better have energy to fight me later!"

"Zenitsu?" Tanjiro was starting to get worried. He shook his friend's shoulders, but his eyes remained empty, "Inosuke! Help me! I think there's something wrong with Zenitsu!" the other boy ran forward, shaking the blond violently.

"Oi, Monitsu! Get it together dammit!"

"Hey... do you smell that? It's like an overwhelming scent. It's so strong but faint at the same time," Tanjiro asked, wrinkling his eyebrows in focus. It was a familiar scent. Something he'd smelled before, but couldn't put his finger to.

"What the hell are you on about, Gonpachiro?!"

"I... it's probably nothing then."

"Focus on Tonitsu for now!"

"Right. Of course," Tanjiro sighed, willing himself to stay focused, "Zenitsu! Zenitsu!" he shook his friend's shoulders gently.

"Oi, Zenkotistsu! Sekoyiksu!" Inosuke poked the blond harshly.

The sound of his name being repeated was making Zenitsu's ears hurt. Then, as if he suddenly woke up, he gasped, flinching hard.



The blond coughed a bunch, his throat hurting from the number of heaves he was producing.

Tanjiro patted the back of his friend to try and help the coughing die down, "Hey, what happened? You weren't responding to us earlier at all."

"Yeah, super creepy," Inosuke muttered, trying to be quiet, but obviously failing.

Zenitsu ignored the boar-head's comment, "I- I was just thinking of something. No biggie. You said breakfast? Come on, let's go!" he said, with so much enthusiasm it only made his friends worry even more.

"Zenitsu, are you sure you're okay? We can ask the healer to check you again."

The blond sighed, "I'm fine, Tanjiro. I was just... distracted."

"Hm. Creepy."

"Hey!" Tanjiro glared at Inosuke, trying to get the boy to shut up.

Zenitsu released a quiet chuckle, a relief clear to all those who could hear. At least right now, he had his friends with him. Muzan probably won't be back so quick, so he had time to think about his next actions carefully.

Truth was, Zenitsu did not sleep at all after the encounter. He stood by the door and watched all evening, prepared to see either an upper moon or a member of the twelve kizuki. If Muzan was there, it was safe to assume some of the twelve kizuki might be too, right?

Ahhh, all this thinking made his head hurt.

He was almost about to tell his friends about the encounter, when he had the sudden urge not to. It was fear. Not for him, but for his friends. If Muzan found out that he told them, would he target them instead to try and get him to talk?

What information could he even give if that happened anyway?

It wasn't like he knew anything more.

Unexpectedly, Zenitsu had put a giant target on his back without even realizing it.

And now the King of demons was hunting for him.

His life just got a whole lot more complicated.

First Kaigaku, now Muzan.

There were too many things to think about.

He really needed a break.

So when his friends offered to eat breakfast together, he didn't object.


In another part of Japan...

"Muzan, you say? How interesting..." The man mumbled, "Keep watching him, Nakama. There might finally be something here."

"Caw! Caw!" the crow answered, leaving to fly off to the wisteria house of the three new demon slayers.

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