Chapter 12

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Zenitsu's legs hurt like crap.

He had been training again, though this time, not as much as before. He didn't want his friends to worry. Zenitsu was trying to learn the other forms of thunder breathing. Other than the first form (and the seventh form he created), he had never been able to use the other thunder breathing forms well.

But after the whole Mt. Natagumo fiasco, Zenitsu gained a new determination to learn them properly. For now, he was able to do the first and the third form. That was good. While he wasn't amazing at learning already established moves, he was great at making different variations of those moves.

This day, he had tried to do the third form sixfolded. And while he managed to succeed, his legs had paid the price. He was even paralyzed for a few minutes after doing the move.

The sweat on his back trickled down as he tried to move his feet again. He failed. His legs started stinging with pain.


He breathed heavily as he tried to lessen the ache.

Zenitsu was starting to regret this.

"Do you need help?" A voice behind him asked.

He tried to look back, but his feet weren't cooperating, so he opted to just turning his head.

It was Tsuyuri Kanao.

Like in the past, the girl had started interacting with them more outside of training after having a conversation with Tanjiro. Apparently, the boy said something that changed something within her. It was great to see Kanao acting by what she felt, and not what she was ordered to do.

"Oh, um, yes actually. if you don't mind!"

The smiling girl nodded and ran to the building, calling for Aoi's help.

Seconds later, Aoi—accompanied by her trio of helpers—came out running.

"Didn't I tell you to rest?!" an angry voice shouted at the top of their lungs.

He was in big trouble.

"Sorry, Aoi! I just really needed to practice thi-" he was cut off by suddenly being lifted up by the five girls. Past him would've loved this. Present him? Not so much. It felt really awkward being carried up in the air like that.

They put him down to sit on the courtyard of the estate. Aoi and the three already walked away as soon as he was seated, to give him time to rest. Of course, the breath of water user gave him a warning glare before turning her back.

Typical Aoi.

"Thank you so much for calling help, Kanao!" Zenitsu gave a bright friendly smile.

"Hm. No need to thank me, Agatsuma-san."

"Ah! You can just call me Zenitsu! It feels weird to be addressed so formally."

"You would be fine with me calling you by your first name?" Kanao looked genuinely surprised.

"Of course! We're friends, right?" Kanao's eyes widened. Zenitsu could practically hear her mind running. Oh right, he forgot. Kanao didn't have much interaction with people her age. She probably didn't have many friends.

"...We are?"

"Yeah! I'm sure Tanjiro and Inosuke think so too!"

Kanao slowly offered him a small smile.

Zenitsu gained an idea, "Hey, why don't you join us three at lunch! We would love to hang out with you more!"

Kanao's smile froze again, "Really? You don't mind?"

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